
Ecclesiasticus - caput 31Ecclesiasticus - chapter 31

1 Vigilia honestatis tabefaciet carnes, et cogitatus illius auferet somnum.

Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the thought thereof driveth away sleep.

2 Cogitatus præscientiæ avertit sensum, et infirmitas gravis sobriam facit animam.

The thinking beforehand turneth away the understanding, and a grievous sickness maketh the soul sober.

3 Laboravit dives in congregatione substantiæ, et in requie sua replebitur bonis suis.

The rich man hath laboured in gathering riches together, and when he resteth he shall be filled with his goods.

4 Laboravit pauper in diminutione victus, et in fine inops fit.

The poor man hath laboured in his low way of life, and in the end he is still poor.

5 Qui aurum diligit non justificabitur, et qui insequitur consumptionem replebitur ex ea.

He that loveth gold, shall not be justified: and he that followeth after corruption, shall be filled with it.

6 Multi dati sunt in auri casus, et facta est in specie ipsius perditio illorum.

Many have been brought to fall for gold, and the beauty thereof hath been their ruin.

7 Lignum offensionis est aurum sacrificantium: væ illis qui sectantur illud! et omnis imprudens deperiet in illo.

Gold is a stumblingblock to them that sacrifice to it: woe to them that eagerly follow after it, and every fool shall perish by it.

8 Beatus dives qui inventus est sine macula, et qui post aurum non abiit, nec speravit in pecunia et thesauris.

Blessed is the rich man that is found without blemish: and that hath not gone after gold, nor put his trust in money nor in treasures.

9 Quis est hic? et laudabimus eum: fecit enim mirabilia in vita sua.

Who is he, and we will praise him? for he hath done wonderful things in his life.

10 Qui probatus est in illo, et perfectus est, erit illi gloria æterna: qui potuit transgredi, et non est transgressus; facere mala, et non fecit.

Who hath been tried thereby, and made perfect, he shall have glory everlasting. He that could have transgressed, and hath not transgressed: and could do evil things, and hath not done them:

11 Ideo stabilita sunt bona illius in Domino, et eleemosynas illius enarrabit omnis ecclesia sanctorum.

Therefore are his goods established in the Lord, and all the church of the saints shall declare his alms.

12 Supra mensam magnam sedisti? non aperias super illam faucem tuam prior.

Art thou set at a great table? be not the first to open thy mouth upon it.

13 Non dicas sic: Multa sunt, quæ super illam sunt.

Say not: There are many things which are upon it.

14 Memento quoniam malus est oculus nequam.

Remember that a wicked eye is evil.

15 Nequius oculo quid creatum est? ideo ab omni facie sua lacrimabitur, cum viderit.

What is created more wicked than an eye? therefore shall it weep over all the face when it shall see.

16 Ne extendas manum tuam prior, et invidia contaminatus erubescas.

Stretch not out thy hand first, lest being disgraced with envy thou be put to confusion.

17 Ne comprimaris in convivio.

Be not hasty in a feast.

18 Intellige quæ sunt proximi tui ex teipso.

Judge of the disposition of thy neighbour by thyself.

19 Utere quasi homo frugi his quæ tibi apponuntur: ne, cum manducas multum, odio habearis.

Use as a frugal man the things that are set before thee: lest if thou eatest much, thou be hated.

20 Cessa prior causa disciplinæ: et noli nimius esse, ne forte offendas.

Leave off first, for manners' sake: and exceed not, lest thou offend.

21 Et si in medio multorum sedisti, prior illis ne extendas manum tuam, nec prior poscas bibere.

And if thou sittest among many, reach not thy hand out first of all: and be not the first to ask for drink.

22 Quam sufficens est homini eruditio vinum exiguum! et in dormiendo non laborabis ab illo, et non senties dolorem.

How sufficient is a little wine for a man well taught, and in sleeping thou shalt not be uneasy with it, and thou shalt feel no pain.

23 Vigilia, cholera et tortura viro infrunito,

Watching, and choler, and gripes, are with an intemperate man:

24 somnus sanitatis in homine parco: dormiet usque mane, et anima illius cum ipso delectabitur.

Sound and wholesome sleep with a moderate man: he shall sleep till morning, and his soul shall be delighted with him.

25 Et si coactus fueris in edendo multum, surge e medio, evome, et refrigerabit te, et non adduces corpori tuo infirmitatem.

And if thou hast been forced to eat much, arise, go out, and vomit: and it shall refresh thee, and thou shalt not bring sickness upon thy body.

26 Audi me, fili, et ne spernas me, et in novissimo invenies verba mea.

Hear me, my son, and despise me not: and in the end thou shalt find my words.

27 In omnibus operibus tuis esto velox, et omnis infirmitas non occurret tibi.

In all thy works be quick, and no infirmity shall come to thee.

28 Splendidum in panibus benedicent labia multorum, et testimonium veritatis illius fidele.

The lips of many shall bless him that is liberal of his bread, and the testimony of his truth is faithful.

29 Nequissimo in pane murmurabit civitas, et testimonium nequitiæ illius verum est.

Against him that is niggardly of his bread, the city will murmur, and the testimony of his niggardliness is true.

30 Diligentes in vino noli provocare: multos enim exterminavit vinum.

Challenge not them that love wine: for wine hath destroyed very many.

31 Ignis probat ferrum durum: sic vinum corda superborum arguet in ebrietate potatum.

Fire trieth hard iron: so wine drunk to excess shall rebuke the hearts of the proud.

32 Aequa vita hominibus vinum in sobrietate: si bibas illud moderate, eris sobrius.

Wine taken with sobriety is equal life to men: if thou drink it moderately, thou shalt be sober.

33 Quæ vita est ei qui minuitur vino?

What is his life, who is diminished with wine?

34 Quid defraudat vitam? mors.

What taketh away life? death.

35 Vinum in jucunditatem creatum est, et non in ebrietatem ab initio.

Wine was created from the beginning to make men joyful, and not to make them drunk.

36 Exsultatio animæ et cordis vinum moderate potatum.

Wine drunken with moderation is the joy of the soul and the heart.

37 Sanitas est animæ et corpori sobrius potus.

Sober drinking is health to soul and body.

38 Vinum multum potatum irritationem, et iram, et ruinas multas facit.

Wine drunken with excess raiseth quarrels; and wrath, and many ruins.

39 Amaritudo animæ vinum multum potatum.

Wine drunken with excess is bitterness of the soul.

40 Ebrietatis animositas, imprudentis offensio, minorans virtutem, et faciens vulnera.

The heat of drunkenness is the stumblingblock of the fool, lessening strength and causing wounds.

41 In convivio vini non arguas proximum, et non despicias eum in jucunditate illius.

Rebuke not thy neighbour in a banquet of wine: and despise him not in his mirth.

42 Verba improperii non dicas illi, et non premas illum repetendo.

Speak not to him words of reproach: and press him not in demanding again.
Ecclesiasticus - caput 31

1 Vigilia honestatis tabefaciet carnes, et cogitatus illius auferet somnum.

Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the thought thereof driveth away sleep.

2 Cogitatus præscientiæ avertit sensum, et infirmitas gravis sobriam facit animam.

The thinking beforehand turneth away the understanding, and a grievous sickness maketh the soul sober.

3 Laboravit dives in congregatione substantiæ, et in requie sua replebitur bonis suis.

The rich man hath laboured in gathering riches together, and when he resteth he shall be filled with his goods.

4 Laboravit pauper in diminutione victus, et in fine inops fit.

The poor man hath laboured in his low way of life, and in the end he is still poor.

5 Qui aurum diligit non justificabitur, et qui insequitur consumptionem replebitur ex ea.

He that loveth gold, shall not be justified: and he that followeth after corruption, shall be filled with it.

6 Multi dati sunt in auri casus, et facta est in specie ipsius perditio illorum.

Many have been brought to fall for gold, and the beauty thereof hath been their ruin.

7 Lignum offensionis est aurum sacrificantium: væ illis qui sectantur illud! et omnis imprudens deperiet in illo.

Gold is a stumblingblock to them that sacrifice to it: woe to them that eagerly follow after it, and every fool shall perish by it.

8 Beatus dives qui inventus est sine macula, et qui post aurum non abiit, nec speravit in pecunia et thesauris.

Blessed is the rich man that is found without blemish: and that hath not gone after gold, nor put his trust in money nor in treasures.

9 Quis est hic? et laudabimus eum: fecit enim mirabilia in vita sua.

Who is he, and we will praise him? for he hath done wonderful things in his life.

10 Qui probatus est in illo, et perfectus est, erit illi gloria æterna: qui potuit transgredi, et non est transgressus; facere mala, et non fecit.

Who hath been tried thereby, and made perfect, he shall have glory everlasting. He that could have transgressed, and hath not transgressed: and could do evil things, and hath not done them:

11 Ideo stabilita sunt bona illius in Domino, et eleemosynas illius enarrabit omnis ecclesia sanctorum.

Therefore are his goods established in the Lord, and all the church of the saints shall declare his alms.

12 Supra mensam magnam sedisti? non aperias super illam faucem tuam prior.

Art thou set at a great table? be not the first to open thy mouth upon it.

13 Non dicas sic: Multa sunt, quæ super illam sunt.

Say not: There are many things which are upon it.

14 Memento quoniam malus est oculus nequam.

Remember that a wicked eye is evil.

15 Nequius oculo quid creatum est? ideo ab omni facie sua lacrimabitur, cum viderit.

What is created more wicked than an eye? therefore shall it weep over all the face when it shall see.

16 Ne extendas manum tuam prior, et invidia contaminatus erubescas.

Stretch not out thy hand first, lest being disgraced with envy thou be put to confusion.

17 Ne comprimaris in convivio.

Be not hasty in a feast.

18 Intellige quæ sunt proximi tui ex teipso.

Judge of the disposition of thy neighbour by thyself.

19 Utere quasi homo frugi his quæ tibi apponuntur: ne, cum manducas multum, odio habearis.

Use as a frugal man the things that are set before thee: lest if thou eatest much, thou be hated.

20 Cessa prior causa disciplinæ: et noli nimius esse, ne forte offendas.

Leave off first, for manners' sake: and exceed not, lest thou offend.

21 Et si in medio multorum sedisti, prior illis ne extendas manum tuam, nec prior poscas bibere.

And if thou sittest among many, reach not thy hand out first of all: and be not the first to ask for drink.

22 Quam sufficens est homini eruditio vinum exiguum! et in dormiendo non laborabis ab illo, et non senties dolorem.

How sufficient is a little wine for a man well taught, and in sleeping thou shalt not be uneasy with it, and thou shalt feel no pain.

23 Vigilia, cholera et tortura viro infrunito,

Watching, and choler, and gripes, are with an intemperate man:

24 somnus sanitatis in homine parco: dormiet usque mane, et anima illius cum ipso delectabitur.

Sound and wholesome sleep with a moderate man: he shall sleep till morning, and his soul shall be delighted with him.

25 Et si coactus fueris in edendo multum, surge e medio, evome, et refrigerabit te, et non adduces corpori tuo infirmitatem.

And if thou hast been forced to eat much, arise, go out, and vomit: and it shall refresh thee, and thou shalt not bring sickness upon thy body.

26 Audi me, fili, et ne spernas me, et in novissimo invenies verba mea.

Hear me, my son, and despise me not: and in the end thou shalt find my words.

27 In omnibus operibus tuis esto velox, et omnis infirmitas non occurret tibi.

In all thy works be quick, and no infirmity shall come to thee.

28 Splendidum in panibus benedicent labia multorum, et testimonium veritatis illius fidele.

The lips of many shall bless him that is liberal of his bread, and the testimony of his truth is faithful.

29 Nequissimo in pane murmurabit civitas, et testimonium nequitiæ illius verum est.

Against him that is niggardly of his bread, the city will murmur, and the testimony of his niggardliness is true.

30 Diligentes in vino noli provocare: multos enim exterminavit vinum.

Challenge not them that love wine: for wine hath destroyed very many.

31 Ignis probat ferrum durum: sic vinum corda superborum arguet in ebrietate potatum.

Fire trieth hard iron: so wine drunk to excess shall rebuke the hearts of the proud.

32 Aequa vita hominibus vinum in sobrietate: si bibas illud moderate, eris sobrius.

Wine taken with sobriety is equal life to men: if thou drink it moderately, thou shalt be sober.

33 Quæ vita est ei qui minuitur vino?

What is his life, who is diminished with wine?

34 Quid defraudat vitam? mors.

What taketh away life? death.

35 Vinum in jucunditatem creatum est, et non in ebrietatem ab initio.

Wine was created from the beginning to make men joyful, and not to make them drunk.

36 Exsultatio animæ et cordis vinum moderate potatum.

Wine drunken with moderation is the joy of the soul and the heart.

37 Sanitas est animæ et corpori sobrius potus.

Sober drinking is health to soul and body.

38 Vinum multum potatum irritationem, et iram, et ruinas multas facit.

Wine drunken with excess raiseth quarrels; and wrath, and many ruins.

39 Amaritudo animæ vinum multum potatum.

Wine drunken with excess is bitterness of the soul.

40 Ebrietatis animositas, imprudentis offensio, minorans virtutem, et faciens vulnera.

The heat of drunkenness is the stumblingblock of the fool, lessening strength and causing wounds.

41 In convivio vini non arguas proximum, et non despicias eum in jucunditate illius.

Rebuke not thy neighbour in a banquet of wine: and despise him not in his mirth.

42 Verba improperii non dicas illi, et non premas illum repetendo.

Speak not to him words of reproach: and press him not in demanding again.
Ecclesiasticus - caput 31

1 Vigilia honestatis tabefaciet carnes, et cogitatus illius auferet somnum.

Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the thought thereof driveth away sleep.

2 Cogitatus præscientiæ avertit sensum, et infirmitas gravis sobriam facit animam.

The thinking beforehand turneth away the understanding, and a grievous sickness maketh the soul sober.

3 Laboravit dives in congregatione substantiæ, et in requie sua replebitur bonis suis.

The rich man hath laboured in gathering riches together, and when he resteth he shall be filled with his goods.

4 Laboravit pauper in diminutione victus, et in fine inops fit.

The poor man hath laboured in his low way of life, and in the end he is still poor.

5 Qui aurum diligit non justificabitur, et qui insequitur consumptionem replebitur ex ea.

He that loveth gold, shall not be justified: and he that followeth after corruption, shall be filled with it.

6 Multi dati sunt in auri casus, et facta est in specie ipsius perditio illorum.

Many have been brought to fall for gold, and the beauty thereof hath been their ruin.

7 Lignum offensionis est aurum sacrificantium: væ illis qui sectantur illud! et omnis imprudens deperiet in illo.

Gold is a stumblingblock to them that sacrifice to it: woe to them that eagerly follow after it, and every fool shall perish by it.

8 Beatus dives qui inventus est sine macula, et qui post aurum non abiit, nec speravit in pecunia et thesauris.

Blessed is the rich man that is found without blemish: and that hath not gone after gold, nor put his trust in money nor in treasures.

9 Quis est hic? et laudabimus eum: fecit enim mirabilia in vita sua.

Who is he, and we will praise him? for he hath done wonderful things in his life.

10 Qui probatus est in illo, et perfectus est, erit illi gloria æterna: qui potuit transgredi, et non est transgressus; facere mala, et non fecit.

Who hath been tried thereby, and made perfect, he shall have glory everlasting. He that could have transgressed, and hath not transgressed: and could do evil things, and hath not done them:

11 Ideo stabilita sunt bona illius in Domino, et eleemosynas illius enarrabit omnis ecclesia sanctorum.

Therefore are his goods established in the Lord, and all the church of the saints shall declare his alms.

12 Supra mensam magnam sedisti? non aperias super illam faucem tuam prior.

Art thou set at a great table? be not the first to open thy mouth upon it.

13 Non dicas sic: Multa sunt, quæ super illam sunt.

Say not: There are many things which are upon it.

14 Memento quoniam malus est oculus nequam.

Remember that a wicked eye is evil.

15 Nequius oculo quid creatum est? ideo ab omni facie sua lacrimabitur, cum viderit.

What is created more wicked than an eye? therefore shall it weep over all the face when it shall see.

16 Ne extendas manum tuam prior, et invidia contaminatus erubescas.

Stretch not out thy hand first, lest being disgraced with envy thou be put to confusion.

17 Ne comprimaris in convivio.

Be not hasty in a feast.

18 Intellige quæ sunt proximi tui ex teipso.

Judge of the disposition of thy neighbour by thyself.

19 Utere quasi homo frugi his quæ tibi apponuntur: ne, cum manducas multum, odio habearis.

Use as a frugal man the things that are set before thee: lest if thou eatest much, thou be hated.

20 Cessa prior causa disciplinæ: et noli nimius esse, ne forte offendas.

Leave off first, for manners' sake: and exceed not, lest thou offend.

21 Et si in medio multorum sedisti, prior illis ne extendas manum tuam, nec prior poscas bibere.

And if thou sittest among many, reach not thy hand out first of all: and be not the first to ask for drink.

22 Quam sufficens est homini eruditio vinum exiguum! et in dormiendo non laborabis ab illo, et non senties dolorem.

How sufficient is a little wine for a man well taught, and in sleeping thou shalt not be uneasy with it, and thou shalt feel no pain.

23 Vigilia, cholera et tortura viro infrunito,

Watching, and choler, and gripes, are with an intemperate man:

24 somnus sanitatis in homine parco: dormiet usque mane, et anima illius cum ipso delectabitur.

Sound and wholesome sleep with a moderate man: he shall sleep till morning, and his soul shall be delighted with him.

25 Et si coactus fueris in edendo multum, surge e medio, evome, et refrigerabit te, et non adduces corpori tuo infirmitatem.

And if thou hast been forced to eat much, arise, go out, and vomit: and it shall refresh thee, and thou shalt not bring sickness upon thy body.

26 Audi me, fili, et ne spernas me, et in novissimo invenies verba mea.

Hear me, my son, and despise me not: and in the end thou shalt find my words.

27 In omnibus operibus tuis esto velox, et omnis infirmitas non occurret tibi.

In all thy works be quick, and no infirmity shall come to thee.

28 Splendidum in panibus benedicent labia multorum, et testimonium veritatis illius fidele.

The lips of many shall bless him that is liberal of his bread, and the testimony of his truth is faithful.

29 Nequissimo in pane murmurabit civitas, et testimonium nequitiæ illius verum est.

Against him that is niggardly of his bread, the city will murmur, and the testimony of his niggardliness is true.

30 Diligentes in vino noli provocare: multos enim exterminavit vinum.

Challenge not them that love wine: for wine hath destroyed very many.

31 Ignis probat ferrum durum: sic vinum corda superborum arguet in ebrietate potatum.

Fire trieth hard iron: so wine drunk to excess shall rebuke the hearts of the proud.

32 Aequa vita hominibus vinum in sobrietate: si bibas illud moderate, eris sobrius.

Wine taken with sobriety is equal life to men: if thou drink it moderately, thou shalt be sober.

33 Quæ vita est ei qui minuitur vino?

What is his life, who is diminished with wine?

34 Quid defraudat vitam? mors.

What taketh away life? death.

35 Vinum in jucunditatem creatum est, et non in ebrietatem ab initio.

Wine was created from the beginning to make men joyful, and not to make them drunk.

36 Exsultatio animæ et cordis vinum moderate potatum.

Wine drunken with moderation is the joy of the soul and the heart.

37 Sanitas est animæ et corpori sobrius potus.

Sober drinking is health to soul and body.

38 Vinum multum potatum irritationem, et iram, et ruinas multas facit.

Wine drunken with excess raiseth quarrels; and wrath, and many ruins.

39 Amaritudo animæ vinum multum potatum.

Wine drunken with excess is bitterness of the soul.

40 Ebrietatis animositas, imprudentis offensio, minorans virtutem, et faciens vulnera.

The heat of drunkenness is the stumblingblock of the fool, lessening strength and causing wounds.

41 In convivio vini non arguas proximum, et non despicias eum in jucunditate illius.

Rebuke not thy neighbour in a banquet of wine: and despise him not in his mirth.

42 Verba improperii non dicas illi, et non premas illum repetendo.

Speak not to him words of reproach: and press him not in demanding again.