
Ecclesiasticus - caput 47Ecclesiasticus - chapter 47

1 Post hæc surrexit Nathan, propheta in diebus David.

Then Nathan the prophet arose in the days of David.

2 Et quasi adeps separatus a carne, sic David a filiis Isræl.

And as the fat taken away from the flesh, so was David chosen from among the children of Israel.

3 Cum leonibus lusit quasi cum agnis, et in ursis similiter fecit sicut in agnis ovium, in juventute sua.

He played with lions as with lambs: and with bears he did in like manner as with the lambs of the flock, in his youth.

4 Numquid non occidit gigantem, et abstulit opprobrium de gente?

Did not he kill the giant, and take away reproach from his people?

5 In tollendo manum, saxo fundæ dejecit exsultationem Goliæ:

In lifting up his hand, with the stone in the sling he beat down the boasting of Goliath:

6 nam invocavit Dominum omnipotentem, et dedit in dextera ejus tollere hominem fortem in bello, et exaltare cornu gentis suæ.

For he called upon the Lord the Almighty, and he gave strength in his right hand, to take away the mighty warrior, and to set up the horn of his nation.

7 Sic in decem millibus glorificavit eum: et laudavit eum in benedictionibus Domini, in offerendo illi coronam gloriæ:

So in ten thousand did he glorify him, and praised him in the blessings of the Lord, in offering to him a crown of glory:

8 contrivit enim inimicos undique, et extirpavit Philisthiim contrarios usque in hodiernum diem: contrivit cornu ipsorum usque in æternum.

For he destroyed the enemies on every side, and extirpated the Philistines the adversaries unto this day: he broke their horn for ever.

9 In omni opere dedit confessionem Sancto, et Excelso in verbo gloriæ.

In all his works he gave thanks to the holy one, and to the most High, with words of glory.

10 De omni corde suo laudavit Dominum: et dilexit Deum, qui fecit illum, et dedit illi contra inimicos potentiam:

With his whole heart he praised the Lord, and loved God that made him: and he gave him power against his enemies:

11 et stare fecit cantores contra altare, et in sono eorum dulces fecit modos.

And he set singers before the altar, and by their voices he made sweet melody.

12 Et dedit in celebrationibus decus, et ornavit tempora usque ad consummationem vitæ, ut laudarent nomen sanctum Domini, et amplificarent mane Dei sanctitatem.

And to the festivals he added beauty, and set in order the solemn times even to the end of his life, that they should praise the holy name of the Lord, and magnify the holiness of God in the morning.

13 Dominus purgavit peccata ipsius, et exaltavit in æternum cornu ejus: et dedit illi testamentum regni, et sedem gloriæ in Isræl.

The Lord took away his sins, and exalted his horn for ever: and he gave him a covenant of the kingdom, and a throne of glory in Israel.

14 Post ipsum surrexit filius sensatus, et propter illum dejecit omnem potentiam inimicorum.

After him arose up a wise son, and for his sake he cast down all the power of the enemies.

15 Salomon imperavit in diebus pacis, cui subjecit Deus omnes hostes, ut conderet domum in nomine suo, et pararet sanctitatem in sempiternum. Quemadmodum eruditus es in juventute tua,

Solomon reigned in days of peace, and God brought all his enemies under him, that he might build a house in his name, and prepare a sanctuary for ever: O how wise wast thou in thy youth!

16 et impletus es, quasi flumen, sapientia, et terram retexit anima tua.

And thou wast filled as a river with wisdom, and thy soul covered the earth.

17 Et replesti in comparationibus ænigmata: ad insulas longe divulgatum est nomen tuum, et dilectus es in pace tua.

And thou didst multiply riddles in parables: thy name went abroad to the islands far off, and thou wast beloved in thy peace.

18 In cantilenis, et proverbiis, et comparationibus, et interpretationibus, miratæ sunt terræ:

The countries wondered at thee for thy canticles, and proverbs, and parables, and interpretations,

19 et in nomine Domini Dei, cui est cognomen Deus Isræl.

And at the name of the Lord God, whose surname is, God of Israel.

20 Collegisti quasi auricalcum aurum, et ut plumbum complesti argentum:

Thou didst gather gold as copper, and didst multiply silver as lead,

21 et inclinasti femora tua mulieribus: potestatem habuisti in corpore tuo.

And thou didst bow thyself to women: and by thy body thou wast brought under subjection.

22 Dedisti maculam in gloria tua, et profanasti semen tuum, inducere iracundiam ad liberos tuos, et incitari stultitiam tuam:

Thou hast stained thy glory, and defiled thy seed so as to bring wrath upon thy children, and to have thy folly kindled,

23 ut faceres imperium bipartitum, et ex Ephraim imperare imperium durum.

That thou shouldst make the kingdom to be divided, and out of Ephraim a rebellious kingdom to rule.

24 Deus autem non derelinquet misericordiam suam: et non corrumpet, nec delebit opera sua, neque perdet a stirpe nepotes electi sui, et semen ejus qui diligit Dominum non corrumpet.

But God will not leave off his mercy, and he will not destroy, nor abolish his own works, neither will he out up by the roots the offspring of his elect: and he will not utterly take away the seed of him that loveth the Lord.

25 Dedit autem reliquum Jacob, et David de ipsa stirpe.

Wherefore he gave a remnant to Jacob, and to David of the same stock.

26 Et finem habuit Salomon cum patribus suis.

And Solomon had an end with his fathers.

27 Et dereliquit post se de semine suo, gentis stultitiam,

And he left behind him of his seed, the folly of the nation,

28 et imminutum a prudentia, Roboam, qui avertit gentem consilio suo:

Even Roboam that had little wisdom, who turned away the people through his counsel:

29 et Jeroboam filium Nabat, qui peccare fecit Isræl, et dedit viam peccandi Ephraim: et plurima redundaverunt peccata ipsorum.

And Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who caused Israel to sin, and shewed Ephraim the way of sin, and their sins were multiplied exceedingly.

30 Valde averterunt illos a terra sua.

They removed them far away from their land.

31 Et quæsivit omnes nequitias, usque dum perveniret ad illos defensio, et ab omnibus peccatis liberavit eos.

And they sought out all iniquities, till vengeance came upon them, and put an end to all their sins.
Ecclesiasticus - caput 47

1 Post hæc surrexit Nathan, propheta in diebus David.

Then Nathan the prophet arose in the days of David.

2 Et quasi adeps separatus a carne, sic David a filiis Isræl.

And as the fat taken away from the flesh, so was David chosen from among the children of Israel.

3 Cum leonibus lusit quasi cum agnis, et in ursis similiter fecit sicut in agnis ovium, in juventute sua.

He played with lions as with lambs: and with bears he did in like manner as with the lambs of the flock, in his youth.

4 Numquid non occidit gigantem, et abstulit opprobrium de gente?

Did not he kill the giant, and take away reproach from his people?

5 In tollendo manum, saxo fundæ dejecit exsultationem Goliæ:

In lifting up his hand, with the stone in the sling he beat down the boasting of Goliath:

6 nam invocavit Dominum omnipotentem, et dedit in dextera ejus tollere hominem fortem in bello, et exaltare cornu gentis suæ.

For he called upon the Lord the Almighty, and he gave strength in his right hand, to take away the mighty warrior, and to set up the horn of his nation.

7 Sic in decem millibus glorificavit eum: et laudavit eum in benedictionibus Domini, in offerendo illi coronam gloriæ:

So in ten thousand did he glorify him, and praised him in the blessings of the Lord, in offering to him a crown of glory:

8 contrivit enim inimicos undique, et extirpavit Philisthiim contrarios usque in hodiernum diem: contrivit cornu ipsorum usque in æternum.

For he destroyed the enemies on every side, and extirpated the Philistines the adversaries unto this day: he broke their horn for ever.

9 In omni opere dedit confessionem Sancto, et Excelso in verbo gloriæ.

In all his works he gave thanks to the holy one, and to the most High, with words of glory.

10 De omni corde suo laudavit Dominum: et dilexit Deum, qui fecit illum, et dedit illi contra inimicos potentiam:

With his whole heart he praised the Lord, and loved God that made him: and he gave him power against his enemies:

11 et stare fecit cantores contra altare, et in sono eorum dulces fecit modos.

And he set singers before the altar, and by their voices he made sweet melody.

12 Et dedit in celebrationibus decus, et ornavit tempora usque ad consummationem vitæ, ut laudarent nomen sanctum Domini, et amplificarent mane Dei sanctitatem.

And to the festivals he added beauty, and set in order the solemn times even to the end of his life, that they should praise the holy name of the Lord, and magnify the holiness of God in the morning.

13 Dominus purgavit peccata ipsius, et exaltavit in æternum cornu ejus: et dedit illi testamentum regni, et sedem gloriæ in Isræl.

The Lord took away his sins, and exalted his horn for ever: and he gave him a covenant of the kingdom, and a throne of glory in Israel.

14 Post ipsum surrexit filius sensatus, et propter illum dejecit omnem potentiam inimicorum.

After him arose up a wise son, and for his sake he cast down all the power of the enemies.

15 Salomon imperavit in diebus pacis, cui subjecit Deus omnes hostes, ut conderet domum in nomine suo, et pararet sanctitatem in sempiternum. Quemadmodum eruditus es in juventute tua,

Solomon reigned in days of peace, and God brought all his enemies under him, that he might build a house in his name, and prepare a sanctuary for ever: O how wise wast thou in thy youth!

16 et impletus es, quasi flumen, sapientia, et terram retexit anima tua.

And thou wast filled as a river with wisdom, and thy soul covered the earth.

17 Et replesti in comparationibus ænigmata: ad insulas longe divulgatum est nomen tuum, et dilectus es in pace tua.

And thou didst multiply riddles in parables: thy name went abroad to the islands far off, and thou wast beloved in thy peace.

18 In cantilenis, et proverbiis, et comparationibus, et interpretationibus, miratæ sunt terræ:

The countries wondered at thee for thy canticles, and proverbs, and parables, and interpretations,

19 et in nomine Domini Dei, cui est cognomen Deus Isræl.

And at the name of the Lord God, whose surname is, God of Israel.

20 Collegisti quasi auricalcum aurum, et ut plumbum complesti argentum:

Thou didst gather gold as copper, and didst multiply silver as lead,

21 et inclinasti femora tua mulieribus: potestatem habuisti in corpore tuo.

And thou didst bow thyself to women: and by thy body thou wast brought under subjection.

22 Dedisti maculam in gloria tua, et profanasti semen tuum, inducere iracundiam ad liberos tuos, et incitari stultitiam tuam:

Thou hast stained thy glory, and defiled thy seed so as to bring wrath upon thy children, and to have thy folly kindled,

23 ut faceres imperium bipartitum, et ex Ephraim imperare imperium durum.

That thou shouldst make the kingdom to be divided, and out of Ephraim a rebellious kingdom to rule.

24 Deus autem non derelinquet misericordiam suam: et non corrumpet, nec delebit opera sua, neque perdet a stirpe nepotes electi sui, et semen ejus qui diligit Dominum non corrumpet.

But God will not leave off his mercy, and he will not destroy, nor abolish his own works, neither will he out up by the roots the offspring of his elect: and he will not utterly take away the seed of him that loveth the Lord.

25 Dedit autem reliquum Jacob, et David de ipsa stirpe.

Wherefore he gave a remnant to Jacob, and to David of the same stock.

26 Et finem habuit Salomon cum patribus suis.

And Solomon had an end with his fathers.

27 Et dereliquit post se de semine suo, gentis stultitiam,

And he left behind him of his seed, the folly of the nation,

28 et imminutum a prudentia, Roboam, qui avertit gentem consilio suo:

Even Roboam that had little wisdom, who turned away the people through his counsel:

29 et Jeroboam filium Nabat, qui peccare fecit Isræl, et dedit viam peccandi Ephraim: et plurima redundaverunt peccata ipsorum.

And Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who caused Israel to sin, and shewed Ephraim the way of sin, and their sins were multiplied exceedingly.

30 Valde averterunt illos a terra sua.

They removed them far away from their land.

31 Et quæsivit omnes nequitias, usque dum perveniret ad illos defensio, et ab omnibus peccatis liberavit eos.

And they sought out all iniquities, till vengeance came upon them, and put an end to all their sins.
Ecclesiasticus - caput 47

1 Post hæc surrexit Nathan, propheta in diebus David.

Then Nathan the prophet arose in the days of David.

2 Et quasi adeps separatus a carne, sic David a filiis Isræl.

And as the fat taken away from the flesh, so was David chosen from among the children of Israel.

3 Cum leonibus lusit quasi cum agnis, et in ursis similiter fecit sicut in agnis ovium, in juventute sua.

He played with lions as with lambs: and with bears he did in like manner as with the lambs of the flock, in his youth.

4 Numquid non occidit gigantem, et abstulit opprobrium de gente?

Did not he kill the giant, and take away reproach from his people?

5 In tollendo manum, saxo fundæ dejecit exsultationem Goliæ:

In lifting up his hand, with the stone in the sling he beat down the boasting of Goliath:

6 nam invocavit Dominum omnipotentem, et dedit in dextera ejus tollere hominem fortem in bello, et exaltare cornu gentis suæ.

For he called upon the Lord the Almighty, and he gave strength in his right hand, to take away the mighty warrior, and to set up the horn of his nation.

7 Sic in decem millibus glorificavit eum: et laudavit eum in benedictionibus Domini, in offerendo illi coronam gloriæ:

So in ten thousand did he glorify him, and praised him in the blessings of the Lord, in offering to him a crown of glory:

8 contrivit enim inimicos undique, et extirpavit Philisthiim contrarios usque in hodiernum diem: contrivit cornu ipsorum usque in æternum.

For he destroyed the enemies on every side, and extirpated the Philistines the adversaries unto this day: he broke their horn for ever.

9 In omni opere dedit confessionem Sancto, et Excelso in verbo gloriæ.

In all his works he gave thanks to the holy one, and to the most High, with words of glory.

10 De omni corde suo laudavit Dominum: et dilexit Deum, qui fecit illum, et dedit illi contra inimicos potentiam:

With his whole heart he praised the Lord, and loved God that made him: and he gave him power against his enemies:

11 et stare fecit cantores contra altare, et in sono eorum dulces fecit modos.

And he set singers before the altar, and by their voices he made sweet melody.

12 Et dedit in celebrationibus decus, et ornavit tempora usque ad consummationem vitæ, ut laudarent nomen sanctum Domini, et amplificarent mane Dei sanctitatem.

And to the festivals he added beauty, and set in order the solemn times even to the end of his life, that they should praise the holy name of the Lord, and magnify the holiness of God in the morning.

13 Dominus purgavit peccata ipsius, et exaltavit in æternum cornu ejus: et dedit illi testamentum regni, et sedem gloriæ in Isræl.

The Lord took away his sins, and exalted his horn for ever: and he gave him a covenant of the kingdom, and a throne of glory in Israel.

14 Post ipsum surrexit filius sensatus, et propter illum dejecit omnem potentiam inimicorum.

After him arose up a wise son, and for his sake he cast down all the power of the enemies.

15 Salomon imperavit in diebus pacis, cui subjecit Deus omnes hostes, ut conderet domum in nomine suo, et pararet sanctitatem in sempiternum. Quemadmodum eruditus es in juventute tua,

Solomon reigned in days of peace, and God brought all his enemies under him, that he might build a house in his name, and prepare a sanctuary for ever: O how wise wast thou in thy youth!

16 et impletus es, quasi flumen, sapientia, et terram retexit anima tua.

And thou wast filled as a river with wisdom, and thy soul covered the earth.

17 Et replesti in comparationibus ænigmata: ad insulas longe divulgatum est nomen tuum, et dilectus es in pace tua.

And thou didst multiply riddles in parables: thy name went abroad to the islands far off, and thou wast beloved in thy peace.

18 In cantilenis, et proverbiis, et comparationibus, et interpretationibus, miratæ sunt terræ:

The countries wondered at thee for thy canticles, and proverbs, and parables, and interpretations,

19 et in nomine Domini Dei, cui est cognomen Deus Isræl.

And at the name of the Lord God, whose surname is, God of Israel.

20 Collegisti quasi auricalcum aurum, et ut plumbum complesti argentum:

Thou didst gather gold as copper, and didst multiply silver as lead,

21 et inclinasti femora tua mulieribus: potestatem habuisti in corpore tuo.

And thou didst bow thyself to women: and by thy body thou wast brought under subjection.

22 Dedisti maculam in gloria tua, et profanasti semen tuum, inducere iracundiam ad liberos tuos, et incitari stultitiam tuam:

Thou hast stained thy glory, and defiled thy seed so as to bring wrath upon thy children, and to have thy folly kindled,

23 ut faceres imperium bipartitum, et ex Ephraim imperare imperium durum.

That thou shouldst make the kingdom to be divided, and out of Ephraim a rebellious kingdom to rule.

24 Deus autem non derelinquet misericordiam suam: et non corrumpet, nec delebit opera sua, neque perdet a stirpe nepotes electi sui, et semen ejus qui diligit Dominum non corrumpet.

But God will not leave off his mercy, and he will not destroy, nor abolish his own works, neither will he out up by the roots the offspring of his elect: and he will not utterly take away the seed of him that loveth the Lord.

25 Dedit autem reliquum Jacob, et David de ipsa stirpe.

Wherefore he gave a remnant to Jacob, and to David of the same stock.

26 Et finem habuit Salomon cum patribus suis.

And Solomon had an end with his fathers.

27 Et dereliquit post se de semine suo, gentis stultitiam,

And he left behind him of his seed, the folly of the nation,

28 et imminutum a prudentia, Roboam, qui avertit gentem consilio suo:

Even Roboam that had little wisdom, who turned away the people through his counsel:

29 et Jeroboam filium Nabat, qui peccare fecit Isræl, et dedit viam peccandi Ephraim: et plurima redundaverunt peccata ipsorum.

And Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who caused Israel to sin, and shewed Ephraim the way of sin, and their sins were multiplied exceedingly.

30 Valde averterunt illos a terra sua.

They removed them far away from their land.

31 Et quæsivit omnes nequitias, usque dum perveniret ad illos defensio, et ab omnibus peccatis liberavit eos.

And they sought out all iniquities, till vengeance came upon them, and put an end to all their sins.