
Ecclesiasticus - caput 51Ecclesiasticus - chapter 51

1 Oratio Jesu filii Sirach. Confitebor tibi, Domine rex, et collaudabo te Deum salvatorem meum.

A prayer of Jesus the son of Sirach. I will give glory to thee, O Lord, O King, and I will praise thee, O God my Saviour.

2 Confitebor nomini tuo, quoniam adjutor et protector factus es mihi,

I will give glory to thy name: for thou hast been a helper and protector to me.

3 et liberasti corpus meum a perditione: a laqueo linguæ iniquæ, et a labiis operantium mendacium: et in conspectu astantium factus es mihi adjutor.

And hast preserved my body from destruction, from the snare of an unjust tongue, and from the lips of them that forge lies, and in the sight of them that stood by, thou hast been my helper.

4 Et liberasti me, secundum multitudinem misericordiæ nominis tui, a rugientibus præparatis ad escam:

And thou hast delivered me, according to the multitude of the mercy of thy name, from them that did roar, prepared to devour.

5 de manibus quærentium animam meam, et de portis tribulationum quæ circumdederunt me;

Out of the hands of them that sought my life, and from the gates of afflictions, which compassed me about:

6 a pressura flammæ quæ circumdedit me, et in medio ignis non sum æstuatus;

From the oppression of the flame which surrounded me, and in the midst of the fire I was not burnt.

7 de altitudine ventris inferi, et a lingua coinquinata, et a verbo mendacii, a rege iniquo, et a lingua injusta.

From the depth of the belly of hell, and from an unclean tongue, and from lying words, from an unjust king, and from a slanderous tongue:

8 Laudabit usque ad mortem anima mea Dominum,

My soul shall praise the Lord even to death.

9 et vita mea appropinquans erat in inferno deorsum.

And my life was drawing near to hell beneath.

10 Circumdederunt me undique, et non erat qui adjuvaret: respiciens eram ad adjutorium hominum, et non erat.

They compassed me on every side, and there was no one that would help me. I looked for the succour of men, and there was none.

11 Memoratus sum misericordiæ tuæ Domine, et operationis tuæ, quæ a sæculo sunt:

I remembered thy mercy, O Lord, and thy works, which are from the beginning of the world.

12 quoniam eruis sustinentes te, Domine, et liberas eos de manibus gentium.

How thou deliverest them that wait for thee, O Lord, and savest them out of the hands of the nations.

13 Exaltasti super terram habitationem meam, et pro morte defluente deprecatus sum.

Thou hast exalted my dwelling place upon the earth and I have prayed for death to pass away.

14 Invocavi Dominum patrem Domini mei, ut non derelinquat me in die tribulationis meæ, et in tempore superborum, sine adjutorio.

I called upon the Lord, the father of my Lord, that he would not leave me in the day of my trouble, and in the time of the proud without help.

15 Laudabo nomen tuum assidue, et collaudabo illud in confessione: et exaudita est oratio mea,

I will praise thy name continually, and will praise it with thanksgiving, and my prayer was heard.

16 et liberasti me de perditione, et eripuisti me de tempore iniquo.

And thou hast saved me from destruction, and hast delivered me from the evil time.

17 Propterea confitebor, et laudem dicam tibi, et benedicam nomini Domini.

Therefore I will give thanks, and praise thee, and bless the name of the Lord.

18 Cum adhuc junior essem, priusquam oberrarem, quæsivi sapientiam palam in oratione mea.

When I was yet young, before I wandered about, I sought for wisdom openly in my prayer.

19 Ante templum postulabam pro illis, et usque in novissimis inquiram eam: et effloruit tamquam præcox uva.

I prayed for her before the temple, and unto the very end I will seek after her, and she flourished as a grape soon ripe.

20 Lætatum est cor meum in ea: ambulavit pes meus iter rectum: a juventute mea investigabam eam.

My heart delighted in her, my foot walked in the right way, from my youth up I sought after her.

21 Inclinavi modico aurem meam, et excepi illam.

I bowed down my ear a little, and received her.

22 Multam inveni in meipso sapientiam, et multum profeci in ea.

I found much wisdom in myself, and I profited much therein.

23 Danti mihi sapientiam dabo gloriam:

To him that giveth me wisdom, will I give glory.

24 consiliatus sum enim ut facerem illam. Zelatus sum bonum, et non confundar.

For I have determined to follow her: I have had a zeal for good, and shall not be confounded.

25 Colluctata est anima mea in illa, et in faciendo eam confirmatus sum.

My soul hath wrestled for her, and in doing it I have been confirmed.

26 Manus meas extendi in altum, et insipientiam ejus luxi;

I stretched forth my hands on high, and I bewailed my ignorance of her.

27 animam meam direxi ad illam, et in agnitione inveni eam.

I directed my soul to her, and in knowledge I found her.

28 Possedi cum ipsa cor ab initio: propter hoc, non derelinquar.

I possessed my heart with her from the beginning: therefore I shall not be forsaken.

29 Venter meus conturbatus est quærendo illam: propterea bonam possidebo possessionem.

My entrails were troubled in seeking her: therefore shall I possess a good possession.

30 Dedit mihi Dominus linguam mercedem meam, et in ipsa laudabo eum.

The Lord hath given me a tongue for my reward: and with it I will praise him.

31 Appropiate ad me, indocti, et congregate vos in domum disciplinæ.

Draw near to me, ye unlearned, and gather yourselves together into the house of discipline.

32 Quid adhuc retardatis? et quid dicitis in his? animæ vestræ sitiunt vehementer.

Why are ye slow? and what do you say of these things? your souls are exceeding thirsty.

33 Aperui os meum, et locutus sum: Comparate vobis sine argento,

I have opened my mouth, and have spoken: buy her for yourselves without silver,

34 et collum vestrum subjicite jugo: et suscipiat anima vestra disciplinam: in proximo est enim invenire eam.

And submit your neck to the yoke, and let your soul receive discipline: for she is near at hand to be found.

35 Videte oculis vestris, quia modicum laboravi, et inveni mihi multam requiem.

Behold with your eyes how I have laboured a little, and have found much rest to myself.

36 Assumite disciplinam in multo numero argenti, et copiosum aurum possidete in ea.

Receive ye discipline as a great sum of money, and possess abundance of gold by her.

37 Lætetur anima vestra in misericordia ejus, et non confundemini in laude ipsius.

Let your soul rejoice in his mercy, and you shall not be confounded in his praise.

38 Operamini opus vestrum ante tempus, et dabit vobis mercedem vestram in tempore suo.

Work your work before the time, and he will give you your reward in his time.
Ecclesiasticus - caput 51

1 Oratio Jesu filii Sirach. Confitebor tibi, Domine rex, et collaudabo te Deum salvatorem meum.

A prayer of Jesus the son of Sirach. I will give glory to thee, O Lord, O King, and I will praise thee, O God my Saviour.

2 Confitebor nomini tuo, quoniam adjutor et protector factus es mihi,

I will give glory to thy name: for thou hast been a helper and protector to me.

3 et liberasti corpus meum a perditione: a laqueo linguæ iniquæ, et a labiis operantium mendacium: et in conspectu astantium factus es mihi adjutor.

And hast preserved my body from destruction, from the snare of an unjust tongue, and from the lips of them that forge lies, and in the sight of them that stood by, thou hast been my helper.

4 Et liberasti me, secundum multitudinem misericordiæ nominis tui, a rugientibus præparatis ad escam:

And thou hast delivered me, according to the multitude of the mercy of thy name, from them that did roar, prepared to devour.

5 de manibus quærentium animam meam, et de portis tribulationum quæ circumdederunt me;

Out of the hands of them that sought my life, and from the gates of afflictions, which compassed me about:

6 a pressura flammæ quæ circumdedit me, et in medio ignis non sum æstuatus;

From the oppression of the flame which surrounded me, and in the midst of the fire I was not burnt.

7 de altitudine ventris inferi, et a lingua coinquinata, et a verbo mendacii, a rege iniquo, et a lingua injusta.

From the depth of the belly of hell, and from an unclean tongue, and from lying words, from an unjust king, and from a slanderous tongue:

8 Laudabit usque ad mortem anima mea Dominum,

My soul shall praise the Lord even to death.

9 et vita mea appropinquans erat in inferno deorsum.

And my life was drawing near to hell beneath.

10 Circumdederunt me undique, et non erat qui adjuvaret: respiciens eram ad adjutorium hominum, et non erat.

They compassed me on every side, and there was no one that would help me. I looked for the succour of men, and there was none.

11 Memoratus sum misericordiæ tuæ Domine, et operationis tuæ, quæ a sæculo sunt:

I remembered thy mercy, O Lord, and thy works, which are from the beginning of the world.

12 quoniam eruis sustinentes te, Domine, et liberas eos de manibus gentium.

How thou deliverest them that wait for thee, O Lord, and savest them out of the hands of the nations.

13 Exaltasti super terram habitationem meam, et pro morte defluente deprecatus sum.

Thou hast exalted my dwelling place upon the earth and I have prayed for death to pass away.

14 Invocavi Dominum patrem Domini mei, ut non derelinquat me in die tribulationis meæ, et in tempore superborum, sine adjutorio.

I called upon the Lord, the father of my Lord, that he would not leave me in the day of my trouble, and in the time of the proud without help.

15 Laudabo nomen tuum assidue, et collaudabo illud in confessione: et exaudita est oratio mea,

I will praise thy name continually, and will praise it with thanksgiving, and my prayer was heard.

16 et liberasti me de perditione, et eripuisti me de tempore iniquo.

And thou hast saved me from destruction, and hast delivered me from the evil time.

17 Propterea confitebor, et laudem dicam tibi, et benedicam nomini Domini.

Therefore I will give thanks, and praise thee, and bless the name of the Lord.

18 Cum adhuc junior essem, priusquam oberrarem, quæsivi sapientiam palam in oratione mea.

When I was yet young, before I wandered about, I sought for wisdom openly in my prayer.

19 Ante templum postulabam pro illis, et usque in novissimis inquiram eam: et effloruit tamquam præcox uva.

I prayed for her before the temple, and unto the very end I will seek after her, and she flourished as a grape soon ripe.

20 Lætatum est cor meum in ea: ambulavit pes meus iter rectum: a juventute mea investigabam eam.

My heart delighted in her, my foot walked in the right way, from my youth up I sought after her.

21 Inclinavi modico aurem meam, et excepi illam.

I bowed down my ear a little, and received her.

22 Multam inveni in meipso sapientiam, et multum profeci in ea.

I found much wisdom in myself, and I profited much therein.

23 Danti mihi sapientiam dabo gloriam:

To him that giveth me wisdom, will I give glory.

24 consiliatus sum enim ut facerem illam. Zelatus sum bonum, et non confundar.

For I have determined to follow her: I have had a zeal for good, and shall not be confounded.

25 Colluctata est anima mea in illa, et in faciendo eam confirmatus sum.

My soul hath wrestled for her, and in doing it I have been confirmed.

26 Manus meas extendi in altum, et insipientiam ejus luxi;

I stretched forth my hands on high, and I bewailed my ignorance of her.

27 animam meam direxi ad illam, et in agnitione inveni eam.

I directed my soul to her, and in knowledge I found her.

28 Possedi cum ipsa cor ab initio: propter hoc, non derelinquar.

I possessed my heart with her from the beginning: therefore I shall not be forsaken.

29 Venter meus conturbatus est quærendo illam: propterea bonam possidebo possessionem.

My entrails were troubled in seeking her: therefore shall I possess a good possession.

30 Dedit mihi Dominus linguam mercedem meam, et in ipsa laudabo eum.

The Lord hath given me a tongue for my reward: and with it I will praise him.

31 Appropiate ad me, indocti, et congregate vos in domum disciplinæ.

Draw near to me, ye unlearned, and gather yourselves together into the house of discipline.

32 Quid adhuc retardatis? et quid dicitis in his? animæ vestræ sitiunt vehementer.

Why are ye slow? and what do you say of these things? your souls are exceeding thirsty.

33 Aperui os meum, et locutus sum: Comparate vobis sine argento,

I have opened my mouth, and have spoken: buy her for yourselves without silver,

34 et collum vestrum subjicite jugo: et suscipiat anima vestra disciplinam: in proximo est enim invenire eam.

And submit your neck to the yoke, and let your soul receive discipline: for she is near at hand to be found.

35 Videte oculis vestris, quia modicum laboravi, et inveni mihi multam requiem.

Behold with your eyes how I have laboured a little, and have found much rest to myself.

36 Assumite disciplinam in multo numero argenti, et copiosum aurum possidete in ea.

Receive ye discipline as a great sum of money, and possess abundance of gold by her.

37 Lætetur anima vestra in misericordia ejus, et non confundemini in laude ipsius.

Let your soul rejoice in his mercy, and you shall not be confounded in his praise.

38 Operamini opus vestrum ante tempus, et dabit vobis mercedem vestram in tempore suo.

Work your work before the time, and he will give you your reward in his time.
Ecclesiasticus - caput 51

1 Oratio Jesu filii Sirach. Confitebor tibi, Domine rex, et collaudabo te Deum salvatorem meum.

A prayer of Jesus the son of Sirach. I will give glory to thee, O Lord, O King, and I will praise thee, O God my Saviour.

2 Confitebor nomini tuo, quoniam adjutor et protector factus es mihi,

I will give glory to thy name: for thou hast been a helper and protector to me.

3 et liberasti corpus meum a perditione: a laqueo linguæ iniquæ, et a labiis operantium mendacium: et in conspectu astantium factus es mihi adjutor.

And hast preserved my body from destruction, from the snare of an unjust tongue, and from the lips of them that forge lies, and in the sight of them that stood by, thou hast been my helper.

4 Et liberasti me, secundum multitudinem misericordiæ nominis tui, a rugientibus præparatis ad escam:

And thou hast delivered me, according to the multitude of the mercy of thy name, from them that did roar, prepared to devour.

5 de manibus quærentium animam meam, et de portis tribulationum quæ circumdederunt me;

Out of the hands of them that sought my life, and from the gates of afflictions, which compassed me about:

6 a pressura flammæ quæ circumdedit me, et in medio ignis non sum æstuatus;

From the oppression of the flame which surrounded me, and in the midst of the fire I was not burnt.

7 de altitudine ventris inferi, et a lingua coinquinata, et a verbo mendacii, a rege iniquo, et a lingua injusta.

From the depth of the belly of hell, and from an unclean tongue, and from lying words, from an unjust king, and from a slanderous tongue:

8 Laudabit usque ad mortem anima mea Dominum,

My soul shall praise the Lord even to death.

9 et vita mea appropinquans erat in inferno deorsum.

And my life was drawing near to hell beneath.

10 Circumdederunt me undique, et non erat qui adjuvaret: respiciens eram ad adjutorium hominum, et non erat.

They compassed me on every side, and there was no one that would help me. I looked for the succour of men, and there was none.

11 Memoratus sum misericordiæ tuæ Domine, et operationis tuæ, quæ a sæculo sunt:

I remembered thy mercy, O Lord, and thy works, which are from the beginning of the world.

12 quoniam eruis sustinentes te, Domine, et liberas eos de manibus gentium.

How thou deliverest them that wait for thee, O Lord, and savest them out of the hands of the nations.

13 Exaltasti super terram habitationem meam, et pro morte defluente deprecatus sum.

Thou hast exalted my dwelling place upon the earth and I have prayed for death to pass away.

14 Invocavi Dominum patrem Domini mei, ut non derelinquat me in die tribulationis meæ, et in tempore superborum, sine adjutorio.

I called upon the Lord, the father of my Lord, that he would not leave me in the day of my trouble, and in the time of the proud without help.

15 Laudabo nomen tuum assidue, et collaudabo illud in confessione: et exaudita est oratio mea,

I will praise thy name continually, and will praise it with thanksgiving, and my prayer was heard.

16 et liberasti me de perditione, et eripuisti me de tempore iniquo.

And thou hast saved me from destruction, and hast delivered me from the evil time.

17 Propterea confitebor, et laudem dicam tibi, et benedicam nomini Domini.

Therefore I will give thanks, and praise thee, and bless the name of the Lord.

18 Cum adhuc junior essem, priusquam oberrarem, quæsivi sapientiam palam in oratione mea.

When I was yet young, before I wandered about, I sought for wisdom openly in my prayer.

19 Ante templum postulabam pro illis, et usque in novissimis inquiram eam: et effloruit tamquam præcox uva.

I prayed for her before the temple, and unto the very end I will seek after her, and she flourished as a grape soon ripe.

20 Lætatum est cor meum in ea: ambulavit pes meus iter rectum: a juventute mea investigabam eam.

My heart delighted in her, my foot walked in the right way, from my youth up I sought after her.

21 Inclinavi modico aurem meam, et excepi illam.

I bowed down my ear a little, and received her.

22 Multam inveni in meipso sapientiam, et multum profeci in ea.

I found much wisdom in myself, and I profited much therein.

23 Danti mihi sapientiam dabo gloriam:

To him that giveth me wisdom, will I give glory.

24 consiliatus sum enim ut facerem illam. Zelatus sum bonum, et non confundar.

For I have determined to follow her: I have had a zeal for good, and shall not be confounded.

25 Colluctata est anima mea in illa, et in faciendo eam confirmatus sum.

My soul hath wrestled for her, and in doing it I have been confirmed.

26 Manus meas extendi in altum, et insipientiam ejus luxi;

I stretched forth my hands on high, and I bewailed my ignorance of her.

27 animam meam direxi ad illam, et in agnitione inveni eam.

I directed my soul to her, and in knowledge I found her.

28 Possedi cum ipsa cor ab initio: propter hoc, non derelinquar.

I possessed my heart with her from the beginning: therefore I shall not be forsaken.

29 Venter meus conturbatus est quærendo illam: propterea bonam possidebo possessionem.

My entrails were troubled in seeking her: therefore shall I possess a good possession.

30 Dedit mihi Dominus linguam mercedem meam, et in ipsa laudabo eum.

The Lord hath given me a tongue for my reward: and with it I will praise him.

31 Appropiate ad me, indocti, et congregate vos in domum disciplinæ.

Draw near to me, ye unlearned, and gather yourselves together into the house of discipline.

32 Quid adhuc retardatis? et quid dicitis in his? animæ vestræ sitiunt vehementer.

Why are ye slow? and what do you say of these things? your souls are exceeding thirsty.

33 Aperui os meum, et locutus sum: Comparate vobis sine argento,

I have opened my mouth, and have spoken: buy her for yourselves without silver,

34 et collum vestrum subjicite jugo: et suscipiat anima vestra disciplinam: in proximo est enim invenire eam.

And submit your neck to the yoke, and let your soul receive discipline: for she is near at hand to be found.

35 Videte oculis vestris, quia modicum laboravi, et inveni mihi multam requiem.

Behold with your eyes how I have laboured a little, and have found much rest to myself.

36 Assumite disciplinam in multo numero argenti, et copiosum aurum possidete in ea.

Receive ye discipline as a great sum of money, and possess abundance of gold by her.

37 Lætetur anima vestra in misericordia ejus, et non confundemini in laude ipsius.

Let your soul rejoice in his mercy, and you shall not be confounded in his praise.

38 Operamini opus vestrum ante tempus, et dabit vobis mercedem vestram in tempore suo.

Work your work before the time, and he will give you your reward in his time.