
Esther - caput 15Esther - chapter 15

1 Et mandavit ei (haud dubium quin esset Mardochæus) ut ingrederetur ad regem, et rogaret pro populo suo et pro patria sua.

And he commanded her (no doubt but he was Mardochai) to go to the king, and petition for her people, and for her country.

2 Memorare, inquit, dierum humilitatis tuæ, quomodo nutrita sis in manu mea, quia Aman secundus a rege locutus est contra nos in mortem:

Remember, (said he,) the days of thy low estate, how thou wast brought up by my hand, because Aman the second after the king hath spoken against us unto death.

3 et tu invoca Dominum, et loquere regi pro nobis, et libera nos de morte.

And do thou call upon the Lord, and speak to the king for us, and deliver us from death.

4 Die autem tertio deposuit vestimenta ornatus sui, et circumdata est gloria sua.

And on the third day she laid away the garments she wore, and put on her glorious apparel.

5 Cumque regio fulgeret habitu, et invocasset omnium rectorem et salvatorem Deum, assumpsit duas famulas,

And glittering in royal robes, after she had called upon God the ruler and Saviour of all, she took two maids with her,

6 et super unam quidem innitebatur, quasi præ deliciis et nimia teneritudine corpus suum ferre non sustinens:

And upon one of them she leaned, as if for delicateness and overmuch tenderness she were not able to bear up her own body.

7 altera autem famularum sequebatur dominam, defluentia in humum indumenta sustentans.

And the other maid followed her lady, bearing up her train flowing on the ground.

8 Ipsa autem roseo colore vultum perfusa, et gratis ac nitentibus oculis tristem celabat animum, et nimio timore contractum.

But she with a rosy colour in her face, and with gracious and bright eyes, hid a mind full of anguish, and exceeding great fear.

9 Ingressa igitur cuncta per ordinem ostia, stetit contra regem, ubi ille residebat super solium regni sui, indutus vestibus regiis, auroque fulgens, et pretiosis lapidibus, eratque terribilis aspectu.

So going in she passed through all the doors in order, and stood before the king, where he sat upon his royal throne, clothed with his royal robes, and glittering with gold, and precious stones, and he was terrible to behold.

10 Cumque elevasset faciem, et ardentibus oculis furorem pectoris indicasset, regina corruit, et in pallorem colore mutato, lassum super ancillulam reclinavit caput.

And when he had lifted up his countenance, and with burning eyes had shewn the wrath of his heart, the queen sunk down, and her colour turned pale, and she rested her weary head upon her handmaid.

11 Convertitque Deus spiritum regis in mansuetudinem, et festinus ac metuens exilivit de solio, et sustentans eam ulnis suis, donec rediret ad se, his verbis blandiebatur:

And God changed the king' s spirit into mildness, and all in haste and in fear he leaped from his throne, and holding her up in his arms, till she came to herself, caressed her with these words:

12 Quid habes, Esther? ego sum frater tuus: noli metuere.

What is the matter, Esther? I am thy brother, fear not.

13 Non morieris: non enim pro te, sed pro omnibus hæc lex constituta est.

Thou shalt not die: for this law is not made for thee, but for all others.

14 Accede igitur, et tange sceptrum.

Come near then, and touch the sceptre.

15 Cumque illa reticeret, tulit auream virgam, et posuit super collum ejus, et osculatus est eam, et ait: Cur mihi non loqueris?

And as she held her peace, he took the golden sceptre, and laid it upon her neck, and kissed her, and said: Why dost thou not speak to me?

16 Quæ respondit: Vidi te, domine, quasi angelum Dei, et conturbatum est cor meum præ timore gloriæ tuæ.

She answered: I saw thee, my lord, as an angel of God, and my heart was troubled for fear of thy majesty.

17 Valde enim mirabilis es, domine, et facies tua plena est gratiarum.

For thou, my lord, art very admirable, and thy. face is full of graces.

18 Cumque loqueretur, rursus corruit, et pene exanimata est.

And while she was speaking, she fell down again, and was almost in a swoon.

19 Rex autem turbabatur, et omnes ministri ejus consolabantur eam.

But the king was troubled, and all his servants comforted her.
Esther - caput 15

1 Et mandavit ei (haud dubium quin esset Mardochæus) ut ingrederetur ad regem, et rogaret pro populo suo et pro patria sua.

And he commanded her (no doubt but he was Mardochai) to go to the king, and petition for her people, and for her country.

2 Memorare, inquit, dierum humilitatis tuæ, quomodo nutrita sis in manu mea, quia Aman secundus a rege locutus est contra nos in mortem:

Remember, (said he,) the days of thy low estate, how thou wast brought up by my hand, because Aman the second after the king hath spoken against us unto death.

3 et tu invoca Dominum, et loquere regi pro nobis, et libera nos de morte.

And do thou call upon the Lord, and speak to the king for us, and deliver us from death.

4 Die autem tertio deposuit vestimenta ornatus sui, et circumdata est gloria sua.

And on the third day she laid away the garments she wore, and put on her glorious apparel.

5 Cumque regio fulgeret habitu, et invocasset omnium rectorem et salvatorem Deum, assumpsit duas famulas,

And glittering in royal robes, after she had called upon God the ruler and Saviour of all, she took two maids with her,

6 et super unam quidem innitebatur, quasi præ deliciis et nimia teneritudine corpus suum ferre non sustinens:

And upon one of them she leaned, as if for delicateness and overmuch tenderness she were not able to bear up her own body.

7 altera autem famularum sequebatur dominam, defluentia in humum indumenta sustentans.

And the other maid followed her lady, bearing up her train flowing on the ground.

8 Ipsa autem roseo colore vultum perfusa, et gratis ac nitentibus oculis tristem celabat animum, et nimio timore contractum.

But she with a rosy colour in her face, and with gracious and bright eyes, hid a mind full of anguish, and exceeding great fear.

9 Ingressa igitur cuncta per ordinem ostia, stetit contra regem, ubi ille residebat super solium regni sui, indutus vestibus regiis, auroque fulgens, et pretiosis lapidibus, eratque terribilis aspectu.

So going in she passed through all the doors in order, and stood before the king, where he sat upon his royal throne, clothed with his royal robes, and glittering with gold, and precious stones, and he was terrible to behold.

10 Cumque elevasset faciem, et ardentibus oculis furorem pectoris indicasset, regina corruit, et in pallorem colore mutato, lassum super ancillulam reclinavit caput.

And when he had lifted up his countenance, and with burning eyes had shewn the wrath of his heart, the queen sunk down, and her colour turned pale, and she rested her weary head upon her handmaid.

11 Convertitque Deus spiritum regis in mansuetudinem, et festinus ac metuens exilivit de solio, et sustentans eam ulnis suis, donec rediret ad se, his verbis blandiebatur:

And God changed the king' s spirit into mildness, and all in haste and in fear he leaped from his throne, and holding her up in his arms, till she came to herself, caressed her with these words:

12 Quid habes, Esther? ego sum frater tuus: noli metuere.

What is the matter, Esther? I am thy brother, fear not.

13 Non morieris: non enim pro te, sed pro omnibus hæc lex constituta est.

Thou shalt not die: for this law is not made for thee, but for all others.

14 Accede igitur, et tange sceptrum.

Come near then, and touch the sceptre.

15 Cumque illa reticeret, tulit auream virgam, et posuit super collum ejus, et osculatus est eam, et ait: Cur mihi non loqueris?

And as she held her peace, he took the golden sceptre, and laid it upon her neck, and kissed her, and said: Why dost thou not speak to me?

16 Quæ respondit: Vidi te, domine, quasi angelum Dei, et conturbatum est cor meum præ timore gloriæ tuæ.

She answered: I saw thee, my lord, as an angel of God, and my heart was troubled for fear of thy majesty.

17 Valde enim mirabilis es, domine, et facies tua plena est gratiarum.

For thou, my lord, art very admirable, and thy. face is full of graces.

18 Cumque loqueretur, rursus corruit, et pene exanimata est.

And while she was speaking, she fell down again, and was almost in a swoon.

19 Rex autem turbabatur, et omnes ministri ejus consolabantur eam.

But the king was troubled, and all his servants comforted her.
Esther - caput 15

1 Et mandavit ei (haud dubium quin esset Mardochæus) ut ingrederetur ad regem, et rogaret pro populo suo et pro patria sua.

And he commanded her (no doubt but he was Mardochai) to go to the king, and petition for her people, and for her country.

2 Memorare, inquit, dierum humilitatis tuæ, quomodo nutrita sis in manu mea, quia Aman secundus a rege locutus est contra nos in mortem:

Remember, (said he,) the days of thy low estate, how thou wast brought up by my hand, because Aman the second after the king hath spoken against us unto death.

3 et tu invoca Dominum, et loquere regi pro nobis, et libera nos de morte.

And do thou call upon the Lord, and speak to the king for us, and deliver us from death.

4 Die autem tertio deposuit vestimenta ornatus sui, et circumdata est gloria sua.

And on the third day she laid away the garments she wore, and put on her glorious apparel.

5 Cumque regio fulgeret habitu, et invocasset omnium rectorem et salvatorem Deum, assumpsit duas famulas,

And glittering in royal robes, after she had called upon God the ruler and Saviour of all, she took two maids with her,

6 et super unam quidem innitebatur, quasi præ deliciis et nimia teneritudine corpus suum ferre non sustinens:

And upon one of them she leaned, as if for delicateness and overmuch tenderness she were not able to bear up her own body.

7 altera autem famularum sequebatur dominam, defluentia in humum indumenta sustentans.

And the other maid followed her lady, bearing up her train flowing on the ground.

8 Ipsa autem roseo colore vultum perfusa, et gratis ac nitentibus oculis tristem celabat animum, et nimio timore contractum.

But she with a rosy colour in her face, and with gracious and bright eyes, hid a mind full of anguish, and exceeding great fear.

9 Ingressa igitur cuncta per ordinem ostia, stetit contra regem, ubi ille residebat super solium regni sui, indutus vestibus regiis, auroque fulgens, et pretiosis lapidibus, eratque terribilis aspectu.

So going in she passed through all the doors in order, and stood before the king, where he sat upon his royal throne, clothed with his royal robes, and glittering with gold, and precious stones, and he was terrible to behold.

10 Cumque elevasset faciem, et ardentibus oculis furorem pectoris indicasset, regina corruit, et in pallorem colore mutato, lassum super ancillulam reclinavit caput.

And when he had lifted up his countenance, and with burning eyes had shewn the wrath of his heart, the queen sunk down, and her colour turned pale, and she rested her weary head upon her handmaid.

11 Convertitque Deus spiritum regis in mansuetudinem, et festinus ac metuens exilivit de solio, et sustentans eam ulnis suis, donec rediret ad se, his verbis blandiebatur:

And God changed the king' s spirit into mildness, and all in haste and in fear he leaped from his throne, and holding her up in his arms, till she came to herself, caressed her with these words:

12 Quid habes, Esther? ego sum frater tuus: noli metuere.

What is the matter, Esther? I am thy brother, fear not.

13 Non morieris: non enim pro te, sed pro omnibus hæc lex constituta est.

Thou shalt not die: for this law is not made for thee, but for all others.

14 Accede igitur, et tange sceptrum.

Come near then, and touch the sceptre.

15 Cumque illa reticeret, tulit auream virgam, et posuit super collum ejus, et osculatus est eam, et ait: Cur mihi non loqueris?

And as she held her peace, he took the golden sceptre, and laid it upon her neck, and kissed her, and said: Why dost thou not speak to me?

16 Quæ respondit: Vidi te, domine, quasi angelum Dei, et conturbatum est cor meum præ timore gloriæ tuæ.

She answered: I saw thee, my lord, as an angel of God, and my heart was troubled for fear of thy majesty.

17 Valde enim mirabilis es, domine, et facies tua plena est gratiarum.

For thou, my lord, art very admirable, and thy. face is full of graces.

18 Cumque loqueretur, rursus corruit, et pene exanimata est.

And while she was speaking, she fell down again, and was almost in a swoon.

19 Rex autem turbabatur, et omnes ministri ejus consolabantur eam.

But the king was troubled, and all his servants comforted her.