II Reges

II Reges - caput 44 Kings - chapter 4

1 Mulier autem quædam de uxoribus prophetarum clamabat ad Eliseum, dicens: Servus tuus vir meus mortuus est, et tu nosti quia servus tuus fuit timens Dominum: et ecce creditor venit ut tollat duos filios meos ad serviendum sibi.

Now a certain woman of the wives of the prophets cried to Eliseus, saying: Thy servant my husband is dead, and thou knowest that thy servant was one that feared God, and behold the creditor is come to take away my two sons to serve him.

2 Cui dixit Eliseus: Quid vis ut faciam tibi? Dic mihi, quid habes in domo tua? At illa respondit: Non habeo ancilla tua quidquam in domo mea nisi parum olei, quo ungar.

And Eliseus said to her: What wilt thou have me to do for thee? Tell me, what hast thou in thy house? And she answered: I thy handmaid have nothing in my house but a little oil, to anoint me.

3 Cui ait: Vade, pete mutuo ab omnibus vicinis tuis vasa vacua non pauca:

And he said to her: Go, borrow of all thy neighbours empty vessels not a few.

4 et ingredere, et claude ostium tuum, cum intrinsecus fueris tu, et filii tui: et mitte inde in omnia vasa hæc: et cum plena fuerint, tolles.

And go in, and shut thy door, when thou art within, and thy sons: and pour out thereof into all those vessels: and when they are full take them away.

5 Ivit itaque mulier, et clausit ostium super se, et super filios suos: illi offerebant vasa, et illa infundebat.

So the woman went, and shut the door upon her, and upon her sons: they brought her the vessels, and she poured in.

6 Cumque plena fuissent vasa, dixit ad filium suum: Affer mihi adhuc vas. Et ille respondit: Non habeo. Stetitque oleum.

And when the vessels were full, she said to her son: Bring me yet a vessel. And he answered: I have no more. And the oil stood.

7 Venit autem illa, et indicavit homini Dei. Et ille: Vade, inquit, vende oleum, et redde creditori tuo: tu autem, et filii tui vivite de reliquo.

And she came, and told the man of God. And he said: Go, sell the oil, and pay thy creditor: and thou and thy sons live of the rest.

8 Facta est autem quædam dies, et transibat Eliseus per Sunam: erat autem ibi mulier magna, quæ tenuit eum ut comederet panem: cumque frequenter inde transiret, divertebat ad eam ut comederet panem.

And there was a day when Eliseus passed by Sunam: now there was a great woman there, who detained him to eat bread; and as he passed often that way, he turned into her house to eat bread.

9 Quæ dixit ad virum suum: Animadverto quod vir Dei sanctus est iste, qui transit per nos frequenter.

And she said to her husband: I perceive that this is a holy man of God, who often passeth by us.

10 Faciamus ergo ei cœnaculum parvum, et ponamus ei in eo lectulum, et mensam, et sellam, et candelabrum, ut cum venerit ad nos, maneat ibi.

Let us therefore make him a little chamber, and put a little bed in it for him, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick, that when he cometh to us, he may abide there.

11 Facta est ergo dies quædam, et veniens divertit in cœnaculum, et requievit ibi.

Now there was a certain day when he came and turned in to the chamber, and rested there.

12 Dixitque ad Giezi puerum suum: Voca Sunamitidem istam. Qui cum vocasset eam, et illa stetisset coram eo,

And he said to Giezi his servant Call this Sunamitess. And when he had called her, and she stood before him,

13 dixit ad puerum suum: Loquere ad eam: Ecce, sedule in omnibus ministrasti nobis, quid vis ut faciam tibi? Numquid habes negotium, et vis ut loquar regi, sive principi militiæ? Quæ respondit: In medio populi mei habito.

He said to his servant: Say to her Behold thou hast diligently served us in all things, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? hast thou any business, and wilt thou that I speak to the king, or to the general of the army? And she answered: I dwell in the midst of my own people.

14 Et ait: Quid ergo vult ut faciam ei? Dixitque Giezi: Ne quæras: filium enim non habet, et vir ejus senex est.

And he said: What will she then that I do for her? And Giezi said: Do not ask, for she hath no son, and her husband is old.

15 Præcepit itaque ut vocaret eam: quæ cum vocata fuisset, et stetisset ante ostium,

Then he bid him call her: And when she was called, and stood before the door.

16 dixit ad eam: In tempore isto, et in hac eadem hora, si vita comes fuerit, habebis in utero filium. At illa respondit: Noli quæso, domine mi, vir Dei, noli mentiri ancillæ tuæ.

He said to her: At this time, and this same hour, if life accompany, thou shalt have a son in thy womb. But she answered: Do not, I beseech thee, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie to thy handmaid.

17 Et concepit mulier, et peperit filium in tempore, et in hora eadem, qua dixerat Eliseus.

And the woman conceived, and brought forth a son in the time, and at the same hour, that Eliseus had said.

18 Crevit autem puer. Et cum esset quædam dies, et egressus isset ad patrem suum, ad messores,

And the child grew. And on a certain day, when he went out to his father to the reapers,

19 ait patri suo: Caput meum doleo, caput meum doleo. At ille dixit puero: Tolle, et duc eum ad matrem suam.

He said to his father: My head acheth, my head acheth. But he said to his servant: Take him, and carry him to his mother.

20 Qui cum tulisset, et duxisset eum ad matrem suam, posuit eum illa super genua sua usque ad meridiem, et mortuus est.

And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, she set him on her knees until noon, and then he died.

21 Ascendit autem, et collocavit eum super lectulum hominis Dei, et clausit ostium: et egressa,

And she went up and laid him upon the bed of the man of God, and shut the door: and going out,

22 vocavit virum suum, et ait: Mitte mecum, obsecro, unum de pueris, et asinam, ut excurram usque ad hominem Dei, et revertar.

She called her husband, and said: Send with me, I beseech thee, one of thy servants, and an ass that I may run to the man of God, and come again.

23 Qui ait illi: Quam ob causam vadis ad eum? hodie non sunt calendæ, neque sabbatum. Quæ respondit: Vadam.

And he said to her: Why dost thou go to him? today is neither new moon nor sabbath. She answered: I will go.

24 Stravitque asinam, et præcepit puero: Mina, et propera, ne mihi moram facias in eundo: et hoc age quod præcipio tibi.

And she saddled an ass, and commanded her servant: Drive, and make haste, make no stay in going. And do that which I bid thee.

25 Profecta est igitur, et venit ad virum Dei in montem Carmeli: cumque vidisset eam vir Dei econtra, ait ad Giezi puerum suum: Ecce Sunamitis illa.

So she went forward, and came to the man of God to mount Carmel: and when the man of God saw her coming towards, he said to Giezi his servant: Behold that Sunamitess.

26 Vade ergo in occursum ejus, et dic ei: Recte ne agitur circa te, et circa virum tuum, et circa filium tuum? Quæ respondit: Recte.

Go therefore to meet her, and say to her: Is all well with thee, and with thy husband, and with thy son? and she answered: Well.

27 Cumque venisset ad virum Dei in montem, apprehendit pedes ejus: et accessit Giezi ut amoveret eam. Et ait homo Dei: Dimitte illam: anima enim ejus in amaritudine est, et Dominus celavit a me, et non indicavit mihi.

And when she came to the man of God to the mount, she caught hold on his feet: and Giezi came to remove her. And the man of God said: Let her alone for her soul is in anguish, and the Lord hath hid it from me, and hath not told me.

28 Quæ dixit illi: Numquid petivi filium a domino meo? numquid non dixi tibi: Ne illudas me?

And she said to him: Did I ask a son of my lord? did I not say to thee: Do not deceive me?

29 Et ille ait ad Giezi: Accinge lumbos tuos, et tolle baculum meum in manu tua, et vade. Si occurrerit tibi homo, non salutes eum: et si salutaverit te quispiam, non respondeas illi: et pones baculum meum super faciem pueri.

Then he said to Giezi: Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thy hand, and go. If any man meet thee, salute him not: and if any man salute thee, answer him not: and lay my staff upon the face of the child.

30 Porro mater pueri ait: Vivit Dominus, et vivit anima tua, non dimittam te. Surrexit ergo, et secutus est eam.

But the mother of the child said: As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. He arose, therefore, and followed her.

31 Giezi autem præcesserat ante eos, et posuerat baculum super faciem pueri, et non erat vox, neque sensus: reversusque est in occursum ejus, et nuntiavit ei, dicens: Non surrexit puer.

But Giezi was gone before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child, and there was no voice nor sense: and he returned to meet him, and told him, saying: The child is not risen.

32 Ingressus est ergo Eliseus domum, et ecce puer mortuus jacebat in lectulo ejus:

Eliseus therefore went into the house, and behold the child lay dead on his bed.

33 ingressusque clausit ostium super se, et super puerum, et oravit ad Dominum.

And going in he shut the door upon him, and upon the child, and prayed to the Lord.

34 Et ascendit, et incubuit super puerum: posuitque os suum super os ejus, et oculos suos super oculos ejus, et manus suas super manus ejus: et incurvavit se super eum, et calefacta est caro pueri.

And he went up, and lay upon the child: and he put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he bowed himself upon him, and the child' s flesh grew warm.

35 At ille reversus, deambulavit in domo, semel huc atque illuc: et ascendit, et incubuit super eum: et oscitavit puer septies, aperuitque oculos.

Then he returned and walked in the house, once to and fro: and he went up, and lay upon him: and the child gaped seven times, and opened his eyes.

36 At ille vocavit Giezi, et dixit ei: Voca Sunamitidem hanc. Quæ vocata, ingressa est ad eum. Qui ait: Tolle filium tuum.

And he called Giezi, and said to him: Call this Sunamitess. And she being called, went in to him: and he said: Take up thy son.

37 Venit illa, et corruit ad pedes ejus, et adoravit super terram: tulitque filium suum, et egressa est.

She came and fell at his feet, and worshipped upon the ground: and took up her son, and went out.

38 Et Eliseus reversus est in Galgala. Erat autem fames in terra, et filii prophetarum habitabant coram eo. Dixitque uni de pueris suis: Pone ollam grandem, et coque pulmentum filiis prophetarum.

And Eliseus returned to Galgal, and there was a famine in the land, and the sons of the prophets dwelt before him. And he said to one of his servants: Set on the great pot, and boil pottage for the sons of the prophets.

39 Et egressus est unus in agrum ut colligeret herbas agrestes: invenitque quasi vitem silvestrem, et collegit ex ea colocynthidas agri, et implevit pallium suum, et reversus concidit in ollam pulmenti: nesciebat enim quid esset.

And one went out into the field to gather wild herbs: and he found something like a wild vine, and gathered of it wild gourds of the field, and filled his mantle, and coming back he shred them into the pot of pottage, for he knew not what it was.

40 Infuderunt ergo sociis, ut comederent: cumque gustassent de coctione, clamaverunt, dicentes: Mors in olla, vir Dei. Et non potuerunt comedere.

And they poured it out for their companions to eat: and when they had tasted of the pottage, they cried out, saying: Death is in the pot, O man of God. And they could not eat thereof.

41 At ille: Afferte, inquit, farinam. Cumque tulissent, misit in ollam, et ait: Infunde turbæ, ut comedant. Et non fuit amplius quidquam amaritudinis in olla.

But he said: Bring some meal. And when they had brought it, he cast it into the pot, and said: Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was now no bitterness in the pot.

42 Vir autem quidam venit de Baalsalisa deferens viro Dei panes primitiarum, viginti panes hordeaceos, et frumentum novum in pera sua. At ille dixit: Da populo, ut comedat.

And a certain man came from Baalsalisa bringing to the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty leaves of barley, and new corn in his scrip. And he said: Give to the people, that they may eat.

43 Responditque ei minister ejus: Quantum est hoc, ut apponam centum viris? Rursum ille ait: Da populo, ut comedat: hæc enim dicit Dominus: Comedent, et supererit.

And his servant answered him: How much is this, that I should set it before a hundred men? He said again: Give to the people, that they may eat: for thus saith the Lord: They shall eat, and there shall be left.

44 Posuit itaque coram eis: qui comederunt, et superfuit juxta verbum Domini.

So he set it before them: and they ate, and there was left according to the word of the Lord.
II Reges - caput 4

1 Mulier autem quædam de uxoribus prophetarum clamabat ad Eliseum, dicens: Servus tuus vir meus mortuus est, et tu nosti quia servus tuus fuit timens Dominum: et ecce creditor venit ut tollat duos filios meos ad serviendum sibi.

Now a certain woman of the wives of the prophets cried to Eliseus, saying: Thy servant my husband is dead, and thou knowest that thy servant was one that feared God, and behold the creditor is come to take away my two sons to serve him.

2 Cui dixit Eliseus: Quid vis ut faciam tibi? Dic mihi, quid habes in domo tua? At illa respondit: Non habeo ancilla tua quidquam in domo mea nisi parum olei, quo ungar.

And Eliseus said to her: What wilt thou have me to do for thee? Tell me, what hast thou in thy house? And she answered: I thy handmaid have nothing in my house but a little oil, to anoint me.

3 Cui ait: Vade, pete mutuo ab omnibus vicinis tuis vasa vacua non pauca:

And he said to her: Go, borrow of all thy neighbours empty vessels not a few.

4 et ingredere, et claude ostium tuum, cum intrinsecus fueris tu, et filii tui: et mitte inde in omnia vasa hæc: et cum plena fuerint, tolles.

And go in, and shut thy door, when thou art within, and thy sons: and pour out thereof into all those vessels: and when they are full take them away.

5 Ivit itaque mulier, et clausit ostium super se, et super filios suos: illi offerebant vasa, et illa infundebat.

So the woman went, and shut the door upon her, and upon her sons: they brought her the vessels, and she poured in.

6 Cumque plena fuissent vasa, dixit ad filium suum: Affer mihi adhuc vas. Et ille respondit: Non habeo. Stetitque oleum.

And when the vessels were full, she said to her son: Bring me yet a vessel. And he answered: I have no more. And the oil stood.

7 Venit autem illa, et indicavit homini Dei. Et ille: Vade, inquit, vende oleum, et redde creditori tuo: tu autem, et filii tui vivite de reliquo.

And she came, and told the man of God. And he said: Go, sell the oil, and pay thy creditor: and thou and thy sons live of the rest.

8 Facta est autem quædam dies, et transibat Eliseus per Sunam: erat autem ibi mulier magna, quæ tenuit eum ut comederet panem: cumque frequenter inde transiret, divertebat ad eam ut comederet panem.

And there was a day when Eliseus passed by Sunam: now there was a great woman there, who detained him to eat bread; and as he passed often that way, he turned into her house to eat bread.

9 Quæ dixit ad virum suum: Animadverto quod vir Dei sanctus est iste, qui transit per nos frequenter.

And she said to her husband: I perceive that this is a holy man of God, who often passeth by us.

10 Faciamus ergo ei cœnaculum parvum, et ponamus ei in eo lectulum, et mensam, et sellam, et candelabrum, ut cum venerit ad nos, maneat ibi.

Let us therefore make him a little chamber, and put a little bed in it for him, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick, that when he cometh to us, he may abide there.

11 Facta est ergo dies quædam, et veniens divertit in cœnaculum, et requievit ibi.

Now there was a certain day when he came and turned in to the chamber, and rested there.

12 Dixitque ad Giezi puerum suum: Voca Sunamitidem istam. Qui cum vocasset eam, et illa stetisset coram eo,

And he said to Giezi his servant Call this Sunamitess. And when he had called her, and she stood before him,

13 dixit ad puerum suum: Loquere ad eam: Ecce, sedule in omnibus ministrasti nobis, quid vis ut faciam tibi? Numquid habes negotium, et vis ut loquar regi, sive principi militiæ? Quæ respondit: In medio populi mei habito.

He said to his servant: Say to her Behold thou hast diligently served us in all things, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? hast thou any business, and wilt thou that I speak to the king, or to the general of the army? And she answered: I dwell in the midst of my own people.

14 Et ait: Quid ergo vult ut faciam ei? Dixitque Giezi: Ne quæras: filium enim non habet, et vir ejus senex est.

And he said: What will she then that I do for her? And Giezi said: Do not ask, for she hath no son, and her husband is old.

15 Præcepit itaque ut vocaret eam: quæ cum vocata fuisset, et stetisset ante ostium,

Then he bid him call her: And when she was called, and stood before the door.

16 dixit ad eam: In tempore isto, et in hac eadem hora, si vita comes fuerit, habebis in utero filium. At illa respondit: Noli quæso, domine mi, vir Dei, noli mentiri ancillæ tuæ.

He said to her: At this time, and this same hour, if life accompany, thou shalt have a son in thy womb. But she answered: Do not, I beseech thee, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie to thy handmaid.

17 Et concepit mulier, et peperit filium in tempore, et in hora eadem, qua dixerat Eliseus.

And the woman conceived, and brought forth a son in the time, and at the same hour, that Eliseus had said.

18 Crevit autem puer. Et cum esset quædam dies, et egressus isset ad patrem suum, ad messores,

And the child grew. And on a certain day, when he went out to his father to the reapers,

19 ait patri suo: Caput meum doleo, caput meum doleo. At ille dixit puero: Tolle, et duc eum ad matrem suam.

He said to his father: My head acheth, my head acheth. But he said to his servant: Take him, and carry him to his mother.

20 Qui cum tulisset, et duxisset eum ad matrem suam, posuit eum illa super genua sua usque ad meridiem, et mortuus est.

And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, she set him on her knees until noon, and then he died.

21 Ascendit autem, et collocavit eum super lectulum hominis Dei, et clausit ostium: et egressa,

And she went up and laid him upon the bed of the man of God, and shut the door: and going out,

22 vocavit virum suum, et ait: Mitte mecum, obsecro, unum de pueris, et asinam, ut excurram usque ad hominem Dei, et revertar.

She called her husband, and said: Send with me, I beseech thee, one of thy servants, and an ass that I may run to the man of God, and come again.

23 Qui ait illi: Quam ob causam vadis ad eum? hodie non sunt calendæ, neque sabbatum. Quæ respondit: Vadam.

And he said to her: Why dost thou go to him? today is neither new moon nor sabbath. She answered: I will go.

24 Stravitque asinam, et præcepit puero: Mina, et propera, ne mihi moram facias in eundo: et hoc age quod præcipio tibi.

And she saddled an ass, and commanded her servant: Drive, and make haste, make no stay in going. And do that which I bid thee.

25 Profecta est igitur, et venit ad virum Dei in montem Carmeli: cumque vidisset eam vir Dei econtra, ait ad Giezi puerum suum: Ecce Sunamitis illa.

So she went forward, and came to the man of God to mount Carmel: and when the man of God saw her coming towards, he said to Giezi his servant: Behold that Sunamitess.

26 Vade ergo in occursum ejus, et dic ei: Recte ne agitur circa te, et circa virum tuum, et circa filium tuum? Quæ respondit: Recte.

Go therefore to meet her, and say to her: Is all well with thee, and with thy husband, and with thy son? and she answered: Well.

27 Cumque venisset ad virum Dei in montem, apprehendit pedes ejus: et accessit Giezi ut amoveret eam. Et ait homo Dei: Dimitte illam: anima enim ejus in amaritudine est, et Dominus celavit a me, et non indicavit mihi.

And when she came to the man of God to the mount, she caught hold on his feet: and Giezi came to remove her. And the man of God said: Let her alone for her soul is in anguish, and the Lord hath hid it from me, and hath not told me.

28 Quæ dixit illi: Numquid petivi filium a domino meo? numquid non dixi tibi: Ne illudas me?

And she said to him: Did I ask a son of my lord? did I not say to thee: Do not deceive me?

29 Et ille ait ad Giezi: Accinge lumbos tuos, et tolle baculum meum in manu tua, et vade. Si occurrerit tibi homo, non salutes eum: et si salutaverit te quispiam, non respondeas illi: et pones baculum meum super faciem pueri.

Then he said to Giezi: Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thy hand, and go. If any man meet thee, salute him not: and if any man salute thee, answer him not: and lay my staff upon the face of the child.

30 Porro mater pueri ait: Vivit Dominus, et vivit anima tua, non dimittam te. Surrexit ergo, et secutus est eam.

But the mother of the child said: As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. He arose, therefore, and followed her.

31 Giezi autem præcesserat ante eos, et posuerat baculum super faciem pueri, et non erat vox, neque sensus: reversusque est in occursum ejus, et nuntiavit ei, dicens: Non surrexit puer.

But Giezi was gone before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child, and there was no voice nor sense: and he returned to meet him, and told him, saying: The child is not risen.

32 Ingressus est ergo Eliseus domum, et ecce puer mortuus jacebat in lectulo ejus:

Eliseus therefore went into the house, and behold the child lay dead on his bed.

33 ingressusque clausit ostium super se, et super puerum, et oravit ad Dominum.

And going in he shut the door upon him, and upon the child, and prayed to the Lord.

34 Et ascendit, et incubuit super puerum: posuitque os suum super os ejus, et oculos suos super oculos ejus, et manus suas super manus ejus: et incurvavit se super eum, et calefacta est caro pueri.

And he went up, and lay upon the child: and he put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he bowed himself upon him, and the child' s flesh grew warm.

35 At ille reversus, deambulavit in domo, semel huc atque illuc: et ascendit, et incubuit super eum: et oscitavit puer septies, aperuitque oculos.

Then he returned and walked in the house, once to and fro: and he went up, and lay upon him: and the child gaped seven times, and opened his eyes.

36 At ille vocavit Giezi, et dixit ei: Voca Sunamitidem hanc. Quæ vocata, ingressa est ad eum. Qui ait: Tolle filium tuum.

And he called Giezi, and said to him: Call this Sunamitess. And she being called, went in to him: and he said: Take up thy son.

37 Venit illa, et corruit ad pedes ejus, et adoravit super terram: tulitque filium suum, et egressa est.

She came and fell at his feet, and worshipped upon the ground: and took up her son, and went out.

38 Et Eliseus reversus est in Galgala. Erat autem fames in terra, et filii prophetarum habitabant coram eo. Dixitque uni de pueris suis: Pone ollam grandem, et coque pulmentum filiis prophetarum.

And Eliseus returned to Galgal, and there was a famine in the land, and the sons of the prophets dwelt before him. And he said to one of his servants: Set on the great pot, and boil pottage for the sons of the prophets.

39 Et egressus est unus in agrum ut colligeret herbas agrestes: invenitque quasi vitem silvestrem, et collegit ex ea colocynthidas agri, et implevit pallium suum, et reversus concidit in ollam pulmenti: nesciebat enim quid esset.

And one went out into the field to gather wild herbs: and he found something like a wild vine, and gathered of it wild gourds of the field, and filled his mantle, and coming back he shred them into the pot of pottage, for he knew not what it was.

40 Infuderunt ergo sociis, ut comederent: cumque gustassent de coctione, clamaverunt, dicentes: Mors in olla, vir Dei. Et non potuerunt comedere.

And they poured it out for their companions to eat: and when they had tasted of the pottage, they cried out, saying: Death is in the pot, O man of God. And they could not eat thereof.

41 At ille: Afferte, inquit, farinam. Cumque tulissent, misit in ollam, et ait: Infunde turbæ, ut comedant. Et non fuit amplius quidquam amaritudinis in olla.

But he said: Bring some meal. And when they had brought it, he cast it into the pot, and said: Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was now no bitterness in the pot.

42 Vir autem quidam venit de Baalsalisa deferens viro Dei panes primitiarum, viginti panes hordeaceos, et frumentum novum in pera sua. At ille dixit: Da populo, ut comedat.

And a certain man came from Baalsalisa bringing to the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty leaves of barley, and new corn in his scrip. And he said: Give to the people, that they may eat.

43 Responditque ei minister ejus: Quantum est hoc, ut apponam centum viris? Rursum ille ait: Da populo, ut comedat: hæc enim dicit Dominus: Comedent, et supererit.

And his servant answered him: How much is this, that I should set it before a hundred men? He said again: Give to the people, that they may eat: for thus saith the Lord: They shall eat, and there shall be left.

44 Posuit itaque coram eis: qui comederunt, et superfuit juxta verbum Domini.

So he set it before them: and they ate, and there was left according to the word of the Lord.
II Reges - caput 4

1 Mulier autem quædam de uxoribus prophetarum clamabat ad Eliseum, dicens: Servus tuus vir meus mortuus est, et tu nosti quia servus tuus fuit timens Dominum: et ecce creditor venit ut tollat duos filios meos ad serviendum sibi.

Now a certain woman of the wives of the prophets cried to Eliseus, saying: Thy servant my husband is dead, and thou knowest that thy servant was one that feared God, and behold the creditor is come to take away my two sons to serve him.

2 Cui dixit Eliseus: Quid vis ut faciam tibi? Dic mihi, quid habes in domo tua? At illa respondit: Non habeo ancilla tua quidquam in domo mea nisi parum olei, quo ungar.

And Eliseus said to her: What wilt thou have me to do for thee? Tell me, what hast thou in thy house? And she answered: I thy handmaid have nothing in my house but a little oil, to anoint me.

3 Cui ait: Vade, pete mutuo ab omnibus vicinis tuis vasa vacua non pauca:

And he said to her: Go, borrow of all thy neighbours empty vessels not a few.

4 et ingredere, et claude ostium tuum, cum intrinsecus fueris tu, et filii tui: et mitte inde in omnia vasa hæc: et cum plena fuerint, tolles.

And go in, and shut thy door, when thou art within, and thy sons: and pour out thereof into all those vessels: and when they are full take them away.

5 Ivit itaque mulier, et clausit ostium super se, et super filios suos: illi offerebant vasa, et illa infundebat.

So the woman went, and shut the door upon her, and upon her sons: they brought her the vessels, and she poured in.

6 Cumque plena fuissent vasa, dixit ad filium suum: Affer mihi adhuc vas. Et ille respondit: Non habeo. Stetitque oleum.

And when the vessels were full, she said to her son: Bring me yet a vessel. And he answered: I have no more. And the oil stood.

7 Venit autem illa, et indicavit homini Dei. Et ille: Vade, inquit, vende oleum, et redde creditori tuo: tu autem, et filii tui vivite de reliquo.

And she came, and told the man of God. And he said: Go, sell the oil, and pay thy creditor: and thou and thy sons live of the rest.

8 Facta est autem quædam dies, et transibat Eliseus per Sunam: erat autem ibi mulier magna, quæ tenuit eum ut comederet panem: cumque frequenter inde transiret, divertebat ad eam ut comederet panem.

And there was a day when Eliseus passed by Sunam: now there was a great woman there, who detained him to eat bread; and as he passed often that way, he turned into her house to eat bread.

9 Quæ dixit ad virum suum: Animadverto quod vir Dei sanctus est iste, qui transit per nos frequenter.

And she said to her husband: I perceive that this is a holy man of God, who often passeth by us.

10 Faciamus ergo ei cœnaculum parvum, et ponamus ei in eo lectulum, et mensam, et sellam, et candelabrum, ut cum venerit ad nos, maneat ibi.

Let us therefore make him a little chamber, and put a little bed in it for him, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick, that when he cometh to us, he may abide there.

11 Facta est ergo dies quædam, et veniens divertit in cœnaculum, et requievit ibi.

Now there was a certain day when he came and turned in to the chamber, and rested there.

12 Dixitque ad Giezi puerum suum: Voca Sunamitidem istam. Qui cum vocasset eam, et illa stetisset coram eo,

And he said to Giezi his servant Call this Sunamitess. And when he had called her, and she stood before him,

13 dixit ad puerum suum: Loquere ad eam: Ecce, sedule in omnibus ministrasti nobis, quid vis ut faciam tibi? Numquid habes negotium, et vis ut loquar regi, sive principi militiæ? Quæ respondit: In medio populi mei habito.

He said to his servant: Say to her Behold thou hast diligently served us in all things, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? hast thou any business, and wilt thou that I speak to the king, or to the general of the army? And she answered: I dwell in the midst of my own people.

14 Et ait: Quid ergo vult ut faciam ei? Dixitque Giezi: Ne quæras: filium enim non habet, et vir ejus senex est.

And he said: What will she then that I do for her? And Giezi said: Do not ask, for she hath no son, and her husband is old.

15 Præcepit itaque ut vocaret eam: quæ cum vocata fuisset, et stetisset ante ostium,

Then he bid him call her: And when she was called, and stood before the door.

16 dixit ad eam: In tempore isto, et in hac eadem hora, si vita comes fuerit, habebis in utero filium. At illa respondit: Noli quæso, domine mi, vir Dei, noli mentiri ancillæ tuæ.

He said to her: At this time, and this same hour, if life accompany, thou shalt have a son in thy womb. But she answered: Do not, I beseech thee, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie to thy handmaid.

17 Et concepit mulier, et peperit filium in tempore, et in hora eadem, qua dixerat Eliseus.

And the woman conceived, and brought forth a son in the time, and at the same hour, that Eliseus had said.

18 Crevit autem puer. Et cum esset quædam dies, et egressus isset ad patrem suum, ad messores,

And the child grew. And on a certain day, when he went out to his father to the reapers,

19 ait patri suo: Caput meum doleo, caput meum doleo. At ille dixit puero: Tolle, et duc eum ad matrem suam.

He said to his father: My head acheth, my head acheth. But he said to his servant: Take him, and carry him to his mother.

20 Qui cum tulisset, et duxisset eum ad matrem suam, posuit eum illa super genua sua usque ad meridiem, et mortuus est.

And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, she set him on her knees until noon, and then he died.

21 Ascendit autem, et collocavit eum super lectulum hominis Dei, et clausit ostium: et egressa,

And she went up and laid him upon the bed of the man of God, and shut the door: and going out,

22 vocavit virum suum, et ait: Mitte mecum, obsecro, unum de pueris, et asinam, ut excurram usque ad hominem Dei, et revertar.

She called her husband, and said: Send with me, I beseech thee, one of thy servants, and an ass that I may run to the man of God, and come again.

23 Qui ait illi: Quam ob causam vadis ad eum? hodie non sunt calendæ, neque sabbatum. Quæ respondit: Vadam.

And he said to her: Why dost thou go to him? today is neither new moon nor sabbath. She answered: I will go.

24 Stravitque asinam, et præcepit puero: Mina, et propera, ne mihi moram facias in eundo: et hoc age quod præcipio tibi.

And she saddled an ass, and commanded her servant: Drive, and make haste, make no stay in going. And do that which I bid thee.

25 Profecta est igitur, et venit ad virum Dei in montem Carmeli: cumque vidisset eam vir Dei econtra, ait ad Giezi puerum suum: Ecce Sunamitis illa.

So she went forward, and came to the man of God to mount Carmel: and when the man of God saw her coming towards, he said to Giezi his servant: Behold that Sunamitess.

26 Vade ergo in occursum ejus, et dic ei: Recte ne agitur circa te, et circa virum tuum, et circa filium tuum? Quæ respondit: Recte.

Go therefore to meet her, and say to her: Is all well with thee, and with thy husband, and with thy son? and she answered: Well.

27 Cumque venisset ad virum Dei in montem, apprehendit pedes ejus: et accessit Giezi ut amoveret eam. Et ait homo Dei: Dimitte illam: anima enim ejus in amaritudine est, et Dominus celavit a me, et non indicavit mihi.

And when she came to the man of God to the mount, she caught hold on his feet: and Giezi came to remove her. And the man of God said: Let her alone for her soul is in anguish, and the Lord hath hid it from me, and hath not told me.

28 Quæ dixit illi: Numquid petivi filium a domino meo? numquid non dixi tibi: Ne illudas me?

And she said to him: Did I ask a son of my lord? did I not say to thee: Do not deceive me?

29 Et ille ait ad Giezi: Accinge lumbos tuos, et tolle baculum meum in manu tua, et vade. Si occurrerit tibi homo, non salutes eum: et si salutaverit te quispiam, non respondeas illi: et pones baculum meum super faciem pueri.

Then he said to Giezi: Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thy hand, and go. If any man meet thee, salute him not: and if any man salute thee, answer him not: and lay my staff upon the face of the child.

30 Porro mater pueri ait: Vivit Dominus, et vivit anima tua, non dimittam te. Surrexit ergo, et secutus est eam.

But the mother of the child said: As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. He arose, therefore, and followed her.

31 Giezi autem præcesserat ante eos, et posuerat baculum super faciem pueri, et non erat vox, neque sensus: reversusque est in occursum ejus, et nuntiavit ei, dicens: Non surrexit puer.

But Giezi was gone before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child, and there was no voice nor sense: and he returned to meet him, and told him, saying: The child is not risen.

32 Ingressus est ergo Eliseus domum, et ecce puer mortuus jacebat in lectulo ejus:

Eliseus therefore went into the house, and behold the child lay dead on his bed.

33 ingressusque clausit ostium super se, et super puerum, et oravit ad Dominum.

And going in he shut the door upon him, and upon the child, and prayed to the Lord.

34 Et ascendit, et incubuit super puerum: posuitque os suum super os ejus, et oculos suos super oculos ejus, et manus suas super manus ejus: et incurvavit se super eum, et calefacta est caro pueri.

And he went up, and lay upon the child: and he put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he bowed himself upon him, and the child' s flesh grew warm.

35 At ille reversus, deambulavit in domo, semel huc atque illuc: et ascendit, et incubuit super eum: et oscitavit puer septies, aperuitque oculos.

Then he returned and walked in the house, once to and fro: and he went up, and lay upon him: and the child gaped seven times, and opened his eyes.

36 At ille vocavit Giezi, et dixit ei: Voca Sunamitidem hanc. Quæ vocata, ingressa est ad eum. Qui ait: Tolle filium tuum.

And he called Giezi, and said to him: Call this Sunamitess. And she being called, went in to him: and he said: Take up thy son.

37 Venit illa, et corruit ad pedes ejus, et adoravit super terram: tulitque filium suum, et egressa est.

She came and fell at his feet, and worshipped upon the ground: and took up her son, and went out.

38 Et Eliseus reversus est in Galgala. Erat autem fames in terra, et filii prophetarum habitabant coram eo. Dixitque uni de pueris suis: Pone ollam grandem, et coque pulmentum filiis prophetarum.

And Eliseus returned to Galgal, and there was a famine in the land, and the sons of the prophets dwelt before him. And he said to one of his servants: Set on the great pot, and boil pottage for the sons of the prophets.

39 Et egressus est unus in agrum ut colligeret herbas agrestes: invenitque quasi vitem silvestrem, et collegit ex ea colocynthidas agri, et implevit pallium suum, et reversus concidit in ollam pulmenti: nesciebat enim quid esset.

And one went out into the field to gather wild herbs: and he found something like a wild vine, and gathered of it wild gourds of the field, and filled his mantle, and coming back he shred them into the pot of pottage, for he knew not what it was.

40 Infuderunt ergo sociis, ut comederent: cumque gustassent de coctione, clamaverunt, dicentes: Mors in olla, vir Dei. Et non potuerunt comedere.

And they poured it out for their companions to eat: and when they had tasted of the pottage, they cried out, saying: Death is in the pot, O man of God. And they could not eat thereof.

41 At ille: Afferte, inquit, farinam. Cumque tulissent, misit in ollam, et ait: Infunde turbæ, ut comedant. Et non fuit amplius quidquam amaritudinis in olla.

But he said: Bring some meal. And when they had brought it, he cast it into the pot, and said: Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was now no bitterness in the pot.

42 Vir autem quidam venit de Baalsalisa deferens viro Dei panes primitiarum, viginti panes hordeaceos, et frumentum novum in pera sua. At ille dixit: Da populo, ut comedat.

And a certain man came from Baalsalisa bringing to the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty leaves of barley, and new corn in his scrip. And he said: Give to the people, that they may eat.

43 Responditque ei minister ejus: Quantum est hoc, ut apponam centum viris? Rursum ille ait: Da populo, ut comedat: hæc enim dicit Dominus: Comedent, et supererit.

And his servant answered him: How much is this, that I should set it before a hundred men? He said again: Give to the people, that they may eat: for thus saith the Lord: They shall eat, and there shall be left.

44 Posuit itaque coram eis: qui comederunt, et superfuit juxta verbum Domini.

So he set it before them: and they ate, and there was left according to the word of the Lord.