I Machabæus

I Machabæus - caput 51 Machabees - chapter 5

1 Et factum est, ut audierunt gentes in circuitu quia ædificatum est altare et sanctuarium sicut prius, iratæ sunt valde:

Now it came to pass, when the nations round about heard that the altar and the sanctuary were built up as before, that they were exceeding angry.

2 et cogitabant tollere genus Jacob, qui erant inter eos, et cœperunt occidere de populo, et persequi.

And they thought to destroy the generation of Jacob that were among them, and they began to kill some of the people, and to persecute them.

3 Et debellabat Judas filios Esau in Idumæa, et eos qui erant in Acrabathane, quia circumsedebant Isrælitas: et percussit eos plaga magna.

Then Judas fought against the children of Esau in Idumea, and them that were in Acrabathane: because they beset the Israelites around about, and he made a great slaughter of them.

4 Et recordatus est malitiam filiorum Bean, qui erant populo in laqueum et in scandalum, insidiantes ei in via.

And he remembered the malice of the children of Bean: who were a snare and a stumblingblock to the people, by lying in wait for them in the way.

5 Et conclusi sunt ab eo in turribus, et applicuit ad eos, et anathematizavit eos, et incendit turres eorum igni cum omnibus qui in eis erant.

And they were shut up by him in towers, and he set upon them, and devoted them to utter destruction, and burnt their towers with fire, and all that were in them.

6 Et transivit ad filios Ammon, et invenit manum fortem, et populum copiosum, et Timotheum ducem ipsorum:

Then he passed over to the children of Ammon, where he found a mighty power, and much people, and Timotheus was their captain:

7 et commisit cum eis prælia multa, et contriti sunt in conspectu eorum, et percussit eos:

And he fought many battles with them, and they were discomfited in their sight, and he smote them:

8 et cepit Gazer civitatem et filias ejus, et reversus est in Judæam.

And he took the city of Gazer and her towns, and returned into Judea.

9 Et congregatæ sunt gentes quæ sunt in Galaad adversus Isrælitas, qui erant in finibus eorum, ut tollerent eos: et fugerunt in Datheman munitionem.

And the Gentiles that were in Galaad, assembled themselves together against the Israelites that were in their quarters to destroy them: and they fled into the fortress of Datheman.

10 Et miserunt litteras ad Judam et fratres ejus, dicentes: Congregatæ sunt adversum nos gentes per circuitum, ut nos auferant,

And they sent letters to Judas and his brethren, saying, The heathens that are round about are gathered together against us, to destroy us:

11 et parant venire, et occupare munitionem, in quam confugimus: et Timotheus est dux exercitus eorum.

And they are preparing to come, and to take the fortress into which we are fled: and Timotheus is the captain of their host.

12 Nunc ergo veni, et eripe nos de manibus eorum, quia cecidit multitudo de nobis.

Now therefore come, and deliver us out of their hands, for many of us are slain.

13 Et omnes fratres nostri, qui erant in locis Tubin, interfecti sunt: et captivas duxerunt uxores eorum, et natos, et spolia, et peremerunt illic fere mille viros.

And all our brethren that were in the places of Tubin, are killed: and they have carried away their wives, and their children, captives, and taken their spoils, and they have slain there almost a thousand men.

14 Et adhuc epistolæ legebantur, et ecce alii nuntii venerunt de Galilæa conscissis tunicis, nuntiantes secundum verba hæc:

And while they were yet reading these letters, behold there came other messengers out of Galilee with their garments rent, who related according to these words:

15 dicentes convenisse adversum se a Ptolemaida, et Tyro, et Sidone: et repleta est omnis Galilæa alienigenis, ut nos consumant.

Saying, that they of Ptolemais, and of Tyre, and of Sidon, were assembled against them, and all Galilee is filled with strangers, in order to consume us.

16 Ut audivit autem Judas et populus sermones istos, convenit ecclesia magna cogitare quid facerent fratribus suis, qui in tribulatione erant, et expugnabantur ab eis.

Now when Judas and all the people heard these words, a great assembly met together to consider what they should do for their brethren that were in trouble, and were assaulted by them.

17 Dixitque Judas Simoni fratri suo: Elige tibi viros, et vade, et libera fratres tuos in Galilæa: ego autem et frater meus Jonathas ibimus in Galaaditim.

And Judas said to Simon his brother: Choose thee men, and go, and deliver thy brethren in Galilee: and I, and my brother Jonathan will go into the country of Galaad.

18 Et reliquit Josephum filium Zachariæ, et Azariam, duces populi, cum residuo exercitu in Judæa ad custodiam:

And he left Joseph the son of Zacharias, and Azarias captains of the people with the remnant of the army in Judea to keep it:

19 et præcepit illis, dicens: Præestote populo huic: et nolite bellum committere adversum gentes, donec revertamur.

And he commanded them, saying: Take ye the charge of this people: but make no war against the heathens, till we return.

20 Et partiti sunt Simoni viri tria millia, ut iret in Galilæam: Judæ autem octo millia in Galaaditim.

Now three thousand men were allotted to Simon, to go into Galilee: and eight thousand to Judas to go into the land of Galaad.

21 Et abiit Simon in Galilæam, et commisit prælia multa cum gentibus: et contritæ sunt gentes a facie ejus, et persecutus est eos usque ad portam

And Simon went into Galilee, and fought many battles with the heathens: and the heathens were discomfited before his face, and he pursued them even to the gate of Ptolemais.

22 Ptolemaidis: et ceciderunt de gentibus fere tria millia virorum. Et accepit spolia eorum,

And there fell of the heathens almost three thousand men, and he took the spoils of them,

23 et assumpsit eos qui erant in Galilæa et in Arbatis, cum uxoribus, et natis, et omnibus quæ erant illis, et adduxit in Judæam cum lætitia magna.

And he took with him those that were in Galilee and in Arbatis with their wives, and children, and all that they had, and he brought them into Judea with great joy.

24 Et Judas Machabæus, et Jonathas frater ejus, transierunt Jordanem, et abierunt viam trium dierum per desertum.

And Judas Machabeus, and Jonathan his brother passed over the Jordan, and went three days' journey through the desert.

25 Et occurrerunt eis Nabuthæi, et susceperunt eos pacifice, et narraverunt eis omnia quæ acciderant fratribus eorum in Galaaditide,

And the Nabutheans met them, and received them in a peaceable manner, and told them all that happened to their brethren in the land of Galaad,

26 et quia multi ex eis comprehensi sunt in Barasa, et Bosor, et in Alimis, et in Casphor, et Mageth, et Carnaim: hæ omnes civitates munitæ et magnæ.

And that many of them were shut up in Barasa, and in Bosor, and in Alima, and in Casphor, and in Mageth, and in Carnaim: all these strong and great cities.

27 Sed et in ceteris civitatibus Galaaditidis tenentur comprehensi, et in crastinum constituerunt admovere exercitum civitatibus his, et comprehendere, et tollere eos in una die.

Yea, and that they were kept shut up in the rest of the cities of Galaad, and that they had appointed to bring their army on the morrow near to these cities, and to take them and to destroy them all in one day.

28 Et convertit Judas et exercitus ejus viam in desertum Bosor repente, et occupavit civitatem: et occidit omnem masculum in ore gladii, et accepit omnia spolia eorum, et succendit eam igni.

Then Judas and his army suddenly turned their march into the desert, to Bosor, and took the city: and he slew every male by the edge of the sword, and took all their spoils, and burnt it with fire.

29 Et surrexerunt inde nocte, et ibant usque ad munitionem.

And they removed from thence by night, and went till they came to the fortress.

30 Et factum est diluculo, cum elevassent oculos suos, ecce populus multus, cujus non erat numerus, portantes scalas et machinas ut comprehenderent munitionem, et expugnarent eos.

And it came to pass that early in the morning, when they lifted up their eyes, behold there were people without number, carrying ladders and engines to take the fortress, and assault them.

31 Et vidit Judas quia cœpit bellum, et clamor belli ascendit ad cælum sicut tuba, et clamor magnus de civitate:

And Judas saw that the fight was begun, and the cry of the battle went up to heaven like a trumpet, and a great cry out of the city:

32 et dixit exercitui suo: Pugnate hodie pro fratribus vestris.

And he said to his host: Fight ye today for your brethren.

33 Et venit tribus ordinibus post eos, et exclamaverunt tubis, et clamaverunt in oratione.

And he came with three companies behind them, and they sounded their trumpets, and cried out in prayer.

34 Et cognoverunt castra Timothei quia Machabæus est, et refugerunt a facie ejus: et percusserunt eos plaga magna. Et ceciderunt ex eis in die illa fere octo millia virorum.

And the host of Timotheus understood that it was Machabeus, and they fled away before his face: and they made a great slaughter of them: and there fell of them in that day almost eight thousand men.

35 Et divertit Judas in Maspha, et expugnavit, et cepit eam: et occidit omnem masculum ejus, et sumpsit spolia ejus, et succendit eam igni.

And Judas turned aside to Maspha, and assaulted, and took it, and he slew every male thereof, and took the spoils thereof, and burnt it with fire.

36 Inde perrexit, et cepit Casbon, et Mageth, et Bosor, et reliquas civitates Galaaditidis.

From thence he marched, and took Casbon, and Mageth, and Bosor, and the rest of the cities of Galaad.

37 Post hæc autem verba congregavit Timotheus exercitum alium, et castra posuit contra Raphon trans torrentem.

But after this Timotheus gathered another army, and camped over against Raphon beyond the torrent.

38 Et misit Judas speculari exercitum: et renuntiaverunt ei, dicentes: Quia convenerunt ad eum omnes gentes quæ in circuitu nostro sunt, exercitus multus nimis:

And Judas sent men to view the army: and they brought him word, saying: All the nations, that are round about us, are assembled unto him an army exceeding great:

39 et Arabas conduxerunt in auxilium sibi, et castra posuerunt trans torrentem, parati ad te venire in prælium. Et abiit Judas obviam illis.

And they have hired the Arabians to help them, and they have pitched their tents beyond the torrent, ready to come to fight against thee. And Judas went to meet them.

40 Et ait Timotheus principibus exercitus sui: Cum appropinquaverit Judas, et exercitus ejus, ad torrentem aquæ: si transierit ad nos prior, non poterimus sustinere eum, quia potens poterit adversum nos;

And Timotheus said to the captains of his army: When Judas and his army come near the torrent of water, if he pass over unto us first, we shall not be able to withstand him: for he will certainly prevail over us.

41 si vero timuerit transire, et posuerit castra extra flumen, transfretamus ad eos, et poterimus adversus illum.

But if he be afraid to pass over, and camp on the other side of the river, we will pass over to them and shall prevail against him.

42 Ut autem appropinquavit Judas ad torrentem aquæ, statuit scribas populi secus torrentem, et mandavit eis, dicens: Neminem hominem reliqueritis, sed veniant omnes in prælium.

Now when Judas came near the torrent of water, he set the scribes of the people by the torrent, and commanded them, saying: Suffer no man to stay behind: but let all come to the battle.

43 Et transfretavit ad illos prior, et omnis populus post eum, et contritæ sunt omnes gentes a facie eorum, et projecerunt arma sua, et fugerunt ad fanum, quod erat in Carnaim.

And he passed over to them first, and all the people after him, and all the heathens were discomfited before them, and they threw away their weapons, and fled to the temple that was in Carnaim.

44 Et occupavit ipsam civitatem, et fanum succendit igni cum omnibus qui erant in ipso: et oppressa est Carnaim, et non potuit sustinere contra faciem Judæ.

And he took that city, and the temple he burnt with fire, with all things that were therein: and Carnaim was subdued, and could not stand against the face of Judas.

45 Et congregavit Judas universos Isrælitas, qui erant in Galaaditide, a minimo usque ad maximum, et uxores eorum, et natos, et exercitum magnum valde, ut venirent in terram Juda.

And Judas gathered together all the Israelites that were in the land of Galaad, from the least even to the greatest, and their wives, and children, and an army exceeding great, to come into the land of Juda.

46 Et venerunt usque Ephron: et hæc civitas magna in ingressu posita, munita valde, et non erat declinare ab ea dextera vel sinistra, sed per mediam iter erat.

And they came as far as Ephron: now this was a great city situate in the way, strongly fortified, and there was no means to turn from it on the right hand or on the left, but the way was through the midst of it.

47 Et incluserunt se qui erant in civitate, et obstruxerunt portas lapidibus: et misit ad eos Judas verbis pacificis,

And they that were in the city, shut themselves in, and stopped up the gates with stones: and Judas sent to them with peaceable words,

48 dicens: Transeamus per terram vestram, ut eamus in terram nostram: et nemo vobis nocebit, tantum pedibus transibimus. Et nolebant eis aperire.

Saying: Let us pass through your land, to go into our country: and no man shall hurt you: we will only pass through on foot. But they would not open to them.

49 Et præcepit Judas prædicare in castris, ut applicarent unusquisque in quo erat loco:

Then Judas commanded proclamation to be made in the camp, that they should make an assault every man in the place where he was.

50 et applicuerunt se viri virtutis, et oppugnavit civitatem illam tota die et tota nocte, et tradita est civitas in manu ejus:

And the men of the army drew near, and he assaulted that city all the day, and all the night, and the city was delivered into his hands:

51 et peremerunt omnem masculum in ore gladii, et eradicavit eam, et accepit spolia ejus: et transivit per totam civitatem super interfectos.

And they slew every male with the edge of the sword, and he razed the city, and took the spoils thereof, and passed through all the city over them that were slain.

52 Et transgressi sunt Jordanem in campo magno, contra faciem Bethsan.

Then they passed over the Jordan to the great plain that is over against Bethsan.

53 Et erat Judas congregans extremos, et exhortabatur populum per totam viam, donec venirent in terram Juda:

And Judas gathered together the hindmost, and he exhorted the people all the way through, till they came into the land of Juda.

54 et ascenderunt in montem Sion cum lætitia, et gaudio, et obtulerunt holocausta, quod nemo ex eis cecidisset donec reverterentur in pace.

And they went up to mount Sion with joy and gladness, and offered holocausts, because not one of them was slain, till they had returned in peace.

55 Et in diebus quibus erat Judas et Jonathas in terra Galaad, et Simon frater ejus in Galilæa contra faciem Ptolemaidis,

Now in the days that Judas and Jonathan were in the land of Galaad, and Simon his brother in Galilee before Ptolemais,

56 audivit Josephus Zachariæ filius, et Azarias princeps virtutis, res bene gestas, et prælia quæ facta sunt,

Joseph the son of Zacharias, and Azarias captain of the soldiers, heard of the good success, and the battles that were fought.

57 et dixit: Faciamus et ipsi nobis nomen, et eamus pugnare adversus gentes quæ in circuitu nostro sunt.

And he said: Let us also get us a name, and let us go fight against the Gentiles that are round about us.

58 Et præcepit his qui erant in exercitu suo, et abierunt Jamniam.

And he gave charge to them that were in his army, and they went towards Jamnia.

59 Et exivit Gorgias de civitate, et viri ejus obviam illis in pugnam.

And Gorgias and his men went out of the city, to give them battle.

60 Et fugati sunt Josephus et Azarias usque in fines Judææ: et ceciderunt illo die de populo Isræl ad duo millia viri, et facta est fuga magna in populo:

And Joseph and Azarias were put to flight, and were pursued unto the borders of Judea: and there fell, on that day, of the people of Israel about two thousand men, and there was a great overthrow of the people:

61 quia non audierunt Judam, et fratres ejus, existimantes fortiter se facturos.

Because they did not hearken to Judas, and his brethren, thinking that they should do manfully.

62 Ipsi autem non erant de semine virorum illorum, per quos salus facta est in Isræl.

But they were not of the seed of those men by whom salvation was brought to Israel.

63 Et viri Juda magnificati sunt valde in conspectu omnis Isræl, et gentium omnium ubi audiebatur nomen eorum.

And the men of Juda were magnified exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and of all the nations where their name was heard.

64 Et convenerunt ad eos fausta acclamantes.

And people assembled to them with joyful acclamations.

65 Et exivit Judas et fratres ejus, et expugnabant filios Esau in terra quæ ad austrum est, et percussit Chebron et filias ejus: et muros ejus, et turres succendit igni in circuitu.

Then Judas and his brethren went forth and attacked the children of Esau, in the land toward the south, and he took Chebron, and her towns: and he burnt the walls thereof and the towers all round it.

66 Et movit castra ut iret in terram alienigenarum, et perambulabat Samariam.

And he removed his camp to go into the land of the aliens, and he went through Samaria.

67 In die illa ceciderunt sacerdotes in bello, dum volunt fortiter facere, dum sine consilio exeunt in prælium.

In that day some priests fell in battle, while desiring to do manfully they went out unadvisedly to fight.

68 Et declinavit Judas in Azotum in terram alienigenarum, et diruit aras eorum, et sculptilia deorum ipsorum succendit igni: et cepit spolia civitatum, et reversus est in terram Juda.

And Judas turned to Azotus into the land of the strangers, and he threw down their altars, and he burnt the statues of their gods with fire: and he took the spoils of the cities, and returned into the land of Juda.
I Machabæus - caput 5

1 Et factum est, ut audierunt gentes in circuitu quia ædificatum est altare et sanctuarium sicut prius, iratæ sunt valde:

Now it came to pass, when the nations round about heard that the altar and the sanctuary were built up as before, that they were exceeding angry.

2 et cogitabant tollere genus Jacob, qui erant inter eos, et cœperunt occidere de populo, et persequi.

And they thought to destroy the generation of Jacob that were among them, and they began to kill some of the people, and to persecute them.

3 Et debellabat Judas filios Esau in Idumæa, et eos qui erant in Acrabathane, quia circumsedebant Isrælitas: et percussit eos plaga magna.

Then Judas fought against the children of Esau in Idumea, and them that were in Acrabathane: because they beset the Israelites around about, and he made a great slaughter of them.

4 Et recordatus est malitiam filiorum Bean, qui erant populo in laqueum et in scandalum, insidiantes ei in via.

And he remembered the malice of the children of Bean: who were a snare and a stumblingblock to the people, by lying in wait for them in the way.

5 Et conclusi sunt ab eo in turribus, et applicuit ad eos, et anathematizavit eos, et incendit turres eorum igni cum omnibus qui in eis erant.

And they were shut up by him in towers, and he set upon them, and devoted them to utter destruction, and burnt their towers with fire, and all that were in them.

6 Et transivit ad filios Ammon, et invenit manum fortem, et populum copiosum, et Timotheum ducem ipsorum:

Then he passed over to the children of Ammon, where he found a mighty power, and much people, and Timotheus was their captain:

7 et commisit cum eis prælia multa, et contriti sunt in conspectu eorum, et percussit eos:

And he fought many battles with them, and they were discomfited in their sight, and he smote them:

8 et cepit Gazer civitatem et filias ejus, et reversus est in Judæam.

And he took the city of Gazer and her towns, and returned into Judea.

9 Et congregatæ sunt gentes quæ sunt in Galaad adversus Isrælitas, qui erant in finibus eorum, ut tollerent eos: et fugerunt in Datheman munitionem.

And the Gentiles that were in Galaad, assembled themselves together against the Israelites that were in their quarters to destroy them: and they fled into the fortress of Datheman.

10 Et miserunt litteras ad Judam et fratres ejus, dicentes: Congregatæ sunt adversum nos gentes per circuitum, ut nos auferant,

And they sent letters to Judas and his brethren, saying, The heathens that are round about are gathered together against us, to destroy us:

11 et parant venire, et occupare munitionem, in quam confugimus: et Timotheus est dux exercitus eorum.

And they are preparing to come, and to take the fortress into which we are fled: and Timotheus is the captain of their host.

12 Nunc ergo veni, et eripe nos de manibus eorum, quia cecidit multitudo de nobis.

Now therefore come, and deliver us out of their hands, for many of us are slain.

13 Et omnes fratres nostri, qui erant in locis Tubin, interfecti sunt: et captivas duxerunt uxores eorum, et natos, et spolia, et peremerunt illic fere mille viros.

And all our brethren that were in the places of Tubin, are killed: and they have carried away their wives, and their children, captives, and taken their spoils, and they have slain there almost a thousand men.

14 Et adhuc epistolæ legebantur, et ecce alii nuntii venerunt de Galilæa conscissis tunicis, nuntiantes secundum verba hæc:

And while they were yet reading these letters, behold there came other messengers out of Galilee with their garments rent, who related according to these words:

15 dicentes convenisse adversum se a Ptolemaida, et Tyro, et Sidone: et repleta est omnis Galilæa alienigenis, ut nos consumant.

Saying, that they of Ptolemais, and of Tyre, and of Sidon, were assembled against them, and all Galilee is filled with strangers, in order to consume us.

16 Ut audivit autem Judas et populus sermones istos, convenit ecclesia magna cogitare quid facerent fratribus suis, qui in tribulatione erant, et expugnabantur ab eis.

Now when Judas and all the people heard these words, a great assembly met together to consider what they should do for their brethren that were in trouble, and were assaulted by them.

17 Dixitque Judas Simoni fratri suo: Elige tibi viros, et vade, et libera fratres tuos in Galilæa: ego autem et frater meus Jonathas ibimus in Galaaditim.

And Judas said to Simon his brother: Choose thee men, and go, and deliver thy brethren in Galilee: and I, and my brother Jonathan will go into the country of Galaad.

18 Et reliquit Josephum filium Zachariæ, et Azariam, duces populi, cum residuo exercitu in Judæa ad custodiam:

And he left Joseph the son of Zacharias, and Azarias captains of the people with the remnant of the army in Judea to keep it:

19 et præcepit illis, dicens: Præestote populo huic: et nolite bellum committere adversum gentes, donec revertamur.

And he commanded them, saying: Take ye the charge of this people: but make no war against the heathens, till we return.

20 Et partiti sunt Simoni viri tria millia, ut iret in Galilæam: Judæ autem octo millia in Galaaditim.

Now three thousand men were allotted to Simon, to go into Galilee: and eight thousand to Judas to go into the land of Galaad.

21 Et abiit Simon in Galilæam, et commisit prælia multa cum gentibus: et contritæ sunt gentes a facie ejus, et persecutus est eos usque ad portam

And Simon went into Galilee, and fought many battles with the heathens: and the heathens were discomfited before his face, and he pursued them even to the gate of Ptolemais.

22 Ptolemaidis: et ceciderunt de gentibus fere tria millia virorum. Et accepit spolia eorum,

And there fell of the heathens almost three thousand men, and he took the spoils of them,

23 et assumpsit eos qui erant in Galilæa et in Arbatis, cum uxoribus, et natis, et omnibus quæ erant illis, et adduxit in Judæam cum lætitia magna.

And he took with him those that were in Galilee and in Arbatis with their wives, and children, and all that they had, and he brought them into Judea with great joy.

24 Et Judas Machabæus, et Jonathas frater ejus, transierunt Jordanem, et abierunt viam trium dierum per desertum.

And Judas Machabeus, and Jonathan his brother passed over the Jordan, and went three days' journey through the desert.

25 Et occurrerunt eis Nabuthæi, et susceperunt eos pacifice, et narraverunt eis omnia quæ acciderant fratribus eorum in Galaaditide,

And the Nabutheans met them, and received them in a peaceable manner, and told them all that happened to their brethren in the land of Galaad,

26 et quia multi ex eis comprehensi sunt in Barasa, et Bosor, et in Alimis, et in Casphor, et Mageth, et Carnaim: hæ omnes civitates munitæ et magnæ.

And that many of them were shut up in Barasa, and in Bosor, and in Alima, and in Casphor, and in Mageth, and in Carnaim: all these strong and great cities.

27 Sed et in ceteris civitatibus Galaaditidis tenentur comprehensi, et in crastinum constituerunt admovere exercitum civitatibus his, et comprehendere, et tollere eos in una die.

Yea, and that they were kept shut up in the rest of the cities of Galaad, and that they had appointed to bring their army on the morrow near to these cities, and to take them and to destroy them all in one day.

28 Et convertit Judas et exercitus ejus viam in desertum Bosor repente, et occupavit civitatem: et occidit omnem masculum in ore gladii, et accepit omnia spolia eorum, et succendit eam igni.

Then Judas and his army suddenly turned their march into the desert, to Bosor, and took the city: and he slew every male by the edge of the sword, and took all their spoils, and burnt it with fire.

29 Et surrexerunt inde nocte, et ibant usque ad munitionem.

And they removed from thence by night, and went till they came to the fortress.

30 Et factum est diluculo, cum elevassent oculos suos, ecce populus multus, cujus non erat numerus, portantes scalas et machinas ut comprehenderent munitionem, et expugnarent eos.

And it came to pass that early in the morning, when they lifted up their eyes, behold there were people without number, carrying ladders and engines to take the fortress, and assault them.

31 Et vidit Judas quia cœpit bellum, et clamor belli ascendit ad cælum sicut tuba, et clamor magnus de civitate:

And Judas saw that the fight was begun, and the cry of the battle went up to heaven like a trumpet, and a great cry out of the city:

32 et dixit exercitui suo: Pugnate hodie pro fratribus vestris.

And he said to his host: Fight ye today for your brethren.

33 Et venit tribus ordinibus post eos, et exclamaverunt tubis, et clamaverunt in oratione.

And he came with three companies behind them, and they sounded their trumpets, and cried out in prayer.

34 Et cognoverunt castra Timothei quia Machabæus est, et refugerunt a facie ejus: et percusserunt eos plaga magna. Et ceciderunt ex eis in die illa fere octo millia virorum.

And the host of Timotheus understood that it was Machabeus, and they fled away before his face: and they made a great slaughter of them: and there fell of them in that day almost eight thousand men.

35 Et divertit Judas in Maspha, et expugnavit, et cepit eam: et occidit omnem masculum ejus, et sumpsit spolia ejus, et succendit eam igni.

And Judas turned aside to Maspha, and assaulted, and took it, and he slew every male thereof, and took the spoils thereof, and burnt it with fire.

36 Inde perrexit, et cepit Casbon, et Mageth, et Bosor, et reliquas civitates Galaaditidis.

From thence he marched, and took Casbon, and Mageth, and Bosor, and the rest of the cities of Galaad.

37 Post hæc autem verba congregavit Timotheus exercitum alium, et castra posuit contra Raphon trans torrentem.

But after this Timotheus gathered another army, and camped over against Raphon beyond the torrent.

38 Et misit Judas speculari exercitum: et renuntiaverunt ei, dicentes: Quia convenerunt ad eum omnes gentes quæ in circuitu nostro sunt, exercitus multus nimis:

And Judas sent men to view the army: and they brought him word, saying: All the nations, that are round about us, are assembled unto him an army exceeding great:

39 et Arabas conduxerunt in auxilium sibi, et castra posuerunt trans torrentem, parati ad te venire in prælium. Et abiit Judas obviam illis.

And they have hired the Arabians to help them, and they have pitched their tents beyond the torrent, ready to come to fight against thee. And Judas went to meet them.

40 Et ait Timotheus principibus exercitus sui: Cum appropinquaverit Judas, et exercitus ejus, ad torrentem aquæ: si transierit ad nos prior, non poterimus sustinere eum, quia potens poterit adversum nos;

And Timotheus said to the captains of his army: When Judas and his army come near the torrent of water, if he pass over unto us first, we shall not be able to withstand him: for he will certainly prevail over us.

41 si vero timuerit transire, et posuerit castra extra flumen, transfretamus ad eos, et poterimus adversus illum.

But if he be afraid to pass over, and camp on the other side of the river, we will pass over to them and shall prevail against him.

42 Ut autem appropinquavit Judas ad torrentem aquæ, statuit scribas populi secus torrentem, et mandavit eis, dicens: Neminem hominem reliqueritis, sed veniant omnes in prælium.

Now when Judas came near the torrent of water, he set the scribes of the people by the torrent, and commanded them, saying: Suffer no man to stay behind: but let all come to the battle.

43 Et transfretavit ad illos prior, et omnis populus post eum, et contritæ sunt omnes gentes a facie eorum, et projecerunt arma sua, et fugerunt ad fanum, quod erat in Carnaim.

And he passed over to them first, and all the people after him, and all the heathens were discomfited before them, and they threw away their weapons, and fled to the temple that was in Carnaim.

44 Et occupavit ipsam civitatem, et fanum succendit igni cum omnibus qui erant in ipso: et oppressa est Carnaim, et non potuit sustinere contra faciem Judæ.

And he took that city, and the temple he burnt with fire, with all things that were therein: and Carnaim was subdued, and could not stand against the face of Judas.

45 Et congregavit Judas universos Isrælitas, qui erant in Galaaditide, a minimo usque ad maximum, et uxores eorum, et natos, et exercitum magnum valde, ut venirent in terram Juda.

And Judas gathered together all the Israelites that were in the land of Galaad, from the least even to the greatest, and their wives, and children, and an army exceeding great, to come into the land of Juda.

46 Et venerunt usque Ephron: et hæc civitas magna in ingressu posita, munita valde, et non erat declinare ab ea dextera vel sinistra, sed per mediam iter erat.

And they came as far as Ephron: now this was a great city situate in the way, strongly fortified, and there was no means to turn from it on the right hand or on the left, but the way was through the midst of it.

47 Et incluserunt se qui erant in civitate, et obstruxerunt portas lapidibus: et misit ad eos Judas verbis pacificis,

And they that were in the city, shut themselves in, and stopped up the gates with stones: and Judas sent to them with peaceable words,

48 dicens: Transeamus per terram vestram, ut eamus in terram nostram: et nemo vobis nocebit, tantum pedibus transibimus. Et nolebant eis aperire.

Saying: Let us pass through your land, to go into our country: and no man shall hurt you: we will only pass through on foot. But they would not open to them.

49 Et præcepit Judas prædicare in castris, ut applicarent unusquisque in quo erat loco:

Then Judas commanded proclamation to be made in the camp, that they should make an assault every man in the place where he was.

50 et applicuerunt se viri virtutis, et oppugnavit civitatem illam tota die et tota nocte, et tradita est civitas in manu ejus:

And the men of the army drew near, and he assaulted that city all the day, and all the night, and the city was delivered into his hands:

51 et peremerunt omnem masculum in ore gladii, et eradicavit eam, et accepit spolia ejus: et transivit per totam civitatem super interfectos.

And they slew every male with the edge of the sword, and he razed the city, and took the spoils thereof, and passed through all the city over them that were slain.

52 Et transgressi sunt Jordanem in campo magno, contra faciem Bethsan.

Then they passed over the Jordan to the great plain that is over against Bethsan.

53 Et erat Judas congregans extremos, et exhortabatur populum per totam viam, donec venirent in terram Juda:

And Judas gathered together the hindmost, and he exhorted the people all the way through, till they came into the land of Juda.

54 et ascenderunt in montem Sion cum lætitia, et gaudio, et obtulerunt holocausta, quod nemo ex eis cecidisset donec reverterentur in pace.

And they went up to mount Sion with joy and gladness, and offered holocausts, because not one of them was slain, till they had returned in peace.

55 Et in diebus quibus erat Judas et Jonathas in terra Galaad, et Simon frater ejus in Galilæa contra faciem Ptolemaidis,

Now in the days that Judas and Jonathan were in the land of Galaad, and Simon his brother in Galilee before Ptolemais,

56 audivit Josephus Zachariæ filius, et Azarias princeps virtutis, res bene gestas, et prælia quæ facta sunt,

Joseph the son of Zacharias, and Azarias captain of the soldiers, heard of the good success, and the battles that were fought.

57 et dixit: Faciamus et ipsi nobis nomen, et eamus pugnare adversus gentes quæ in circuitu nostro sunt.

And he said: Let us also get us a name, and let us go fight against the Gentiles that are round about us.

58 Et præcepit his qui erant in exercitu suo, et abierunt Jamniam.

And he gave charge to them that were in his army, and they went towards Jamnia.

59 Et exivit Gorgias de civitate, et viri ejus obviam illis in pugnam.

And Gorgias and his men went out of the city, to give them battle.

60 Et fugati sunt Josephus et Azarias usque in fines Judææ: et ceciderunt illo die de populo Isræl ad duo millia viri, et facta est fuga magna in populo:

And Joseph and Azarias were put to flight, and were pursued unto the borders of Judea: and there fell, on that day, of the people of Israel about two thousand men, and there was a great overthrow of the people:

61 quia non audierunt Judam, et fratres ejus, existimantes fortiter se facturos.

Because they did not hearken to Judas, and his brethren, thinking that they should do manfully.

62 Ipsi autem non erant de semine virorum illorum, per quos salus facta est in Isræl.

But they were not of the seed of those men by whom salvation was brought to Israel.

63 Et viri Juda magnificati sunt valde in conspectu omnis Isræl, et gentium omnium ubi audiebatur nomen eorum.

And the men of Juda were magnified exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and of all the nations where their name was heard.

64 Et convenerunt ad eos fausta acclamantes.

And people assembled to them with joyful acclamations.

65 Et exivit Judas et fratres ejus, et expugnabant filios Esau in terra quæ ad austrum est, et percussit Chebron et filias ejus: et muros ejus, et turres succendit igni in circuitu.

Then Judas and his brethren went forth and attacked the children of Esau, in the land toward the south, and he took Chebron, and her towns: and he burnt the walls thereof and the towers all round it.

66 Et movit castra ut iret in terram alienigenarum, et perambulabat Samariam.

And he removed his camp to go into the land of the aliens, and he went through Samaria.

67 In die illa ceciderunt sacerdotes in bello, dum volunt fortiter facere, dum sine consilio exeunt in prælium.

In that day some priests fell in battle, while desiring to do manfully they went out unadvisedly to fight.

68 Et declinavit Judas in Azotum in terram alienigenarum, et diruit aras eorum, et sculptilia deorum ipsorum succendit igni: et cepit spolia civitatum, et reversus est in terram Juda.

And Judas turned to Azotus into the land of the strangers, and he threw down their altars, and he burnt the statues of their gods with fire: and he took the spoils of the cities, and returned into the land of Juda.
I Machabæus - caput 5

1 Et factum est, ut audierunt gentes in circuitu quia ædificatum est altare et sanctuarium sicut prius, iratæ sunt valde:

Now it came to pass, when the nations round about heard that the altar and the sanctuary were built up as before, that they were exceeding angry.

2 et cogitabant tollere genus Jacob, qui erant inter eos, et cœperunt occidere de populo, et persequi.

And they thought to destroy the generation of Jacob that were among them, and they began to kill some of the people, and to persecute them.

3 Et debellabat Judas filios Esau in Idumæa, et eos qui erant in Acrabathane, quia circumsedebant Isrælitas: et percussit eos plaga magna.

Then Judas fought against the children of Esau in Idumea, and them that were in Acrabathane: because they beset the Israelites around about, and he made a great slaughter of them.

4 Et recordatus est malitiam filiorum Bean, qui erant populo in laqueum et in scandalum, insidiantes ei in via.

And he remembered the malice of the children of Bean: who were a snare and a stumblingblock to the people, by lying in wait for them in the way.

5 Et conclusi sunt ab eo in turribus, et applicuit ad eos, et anathematizavit eos, et incendit turres eorum igni cum omnibus qui in eis erant.

And they were shut up by him in towers, and he set upon them, and devoted them to utter destruction, and burnt their towers with fire, and all that were in them.

6 Et transivit ad filios Ammon, et invenit manum fortem, et populum copiosum, et Timotheum ducem ipsorum:

Then he passed over to the children of Ammon, where he found a mighty power, and much people, and Timotheus was their captain:

7 et commisit cum eis prælia multa, et contriti sunt in conspectu eorum, et percussit eos:

And he fought many battles with them, and they were discomfited in their sight, and he smote them:

8 et cepit Gazer civitatem et filias ejus, et reversus est in Judæam.

And he took the city of Gazer and her towns, and returned into Judea.

9 Et congregatæ sunt gentes quæ sunt in Galaad adversus Isrælitas, qui erant in finibus eorum, ut tollerent eos: et fugerunt in Datheman munitionem.

And the Gentiles that were in Galaad, assembled themselves together against the Israelites that were in their quarters to destroy them: and they fled into the fortress of Datheman.

10 Et miserunt litteras ad Judam et fratres ejus, dicentes: Congregatæ sunt adversum nos gentes per circuitum, ut nos auferant,

And they sent letters to Judas and his brethren, saying, The heathens that are round about are gathered together against us, to destroy us:

11 et parant venire, et occupare munitionem, in quam confugimus: et Timotheus est dux exercitus eorum.

And they are preparing to come, and to take the fortress into which we are fled: and Timotheus is the captain of their host.

12 Nunc ergo veni, et eripe nos de manibus eorum, quia cecidit multitudo de nobis.

Now therefore come, and deliver us out of their hands, for many of us are slain.

13 Et omnes fratres nostri, qui erant in locis Tubin, interfecti sunt: et captivas duxerunt uxores eorum, et natos, et spolia, et peremerunt illic fere mille viros.

And all our brethren that were in the places of Tubin, are killed: and they have carried away their wives, and their children, captives, and taken their spoils, and they have slain there almost a thousand men.

14 Et adhuc epistolæ legebantur, et ecce alii nuntii venerunt de Galilæa conscissis tunicis, nuntiantes secundum verba hæc:

And while they were yet reading these letters, behold there came other messengers out of Galilee with their garments rent, who related according to these words:

15 dicentes convenisse adversum se a Ptolemaida, et Tyro, et Sidone: et repleta est omnis Galilæa alienigenis, ut nos consumant.

Saying, that they of Ptolemais, and of Tyre, and of Sidon, were assembled against them, and all Galilee is filled with strangers, in order to consume us.

16 Ut audivit autem Judas et populus sermones istos, convenit ecclesia magna cogitare quid facerent fratribus suis, qui in tribulatione erant, et expugnabantur ab eis.

Now when Judas and all the people heard these words, a great assembly met together to consider what they should do for their brethren that were in trouble, and were assaulted by them.

17 Dixitque Judas Simoni fratri suo: Elige tibi viros, et vade, et libera fratres tuos in Galilæa: ego autem et frater meus Jonathas ibimus in Galaaditim.

And Judas said to Simon his brother: Choose thee men, and go, and deliver thy brethren in Galilee: and I, and my brother Jonathan will go into the country of Galaad.

18 Et reliquit Josephum filium Zachariæ, et Azariam, duces populi, cum residuo exercitu in Judæa ad custodiam:

And he left Joseph the son of Zacharias, and Azarias captains of the people with the remnant of the army in Judea to keep it:

19 et præcepit illis, dicens: Præestote populo huic: et nolite bellum committere adversum gentes, donec revertamur.

And he commanded them, saying: Take ye the charge of this people: but make no war against the heathens, till we return.

20 Et partiti sunt Simoni viri tria millia, ut iret in Galilæam: Judæ autem octo millia in Galaaditim.

Now three thousand men were allotted to Simon, to go into Galilee: and eight thousand to Judas to go into the land of Galaad.

21 Et abiit Simon in Galilæam, et commisit prælia multa cum gentibus: et contritæ sunt gentes a facie ejus, et persecutus est eos usque ad portam

And Simon went into Galilee, and fought many battles with the heathens: and the heathens were discomfited before his face, and he pursued them even to the gate of Ptolemais.

22 Ptolemaidis: et ceciderunt de gentibus fere tria millia virorum. Et accepit spolia eorum,

And there fell of the heathens almost three thousand men, and he took the spoils of them,

23 et assumpsit eos qui erant in Galilæa et in Arbatis, cum uxoribus, et natis, et omnibus quæ erant illis, et adduxit in Judæam cum lætitia magna.

And he took with him those that were in Galilee and in Arbatis with their wives, and children, and all that they had, and he brought them into Judea with great joy.

24 Et Judas Machabæus, et Jonathas frater ejus, transierunt Jordanem, et abierunt viam trium dierum per desertum.

And Judas Machabeus, and Jonathan his brother passed over the Jordan, and went three days' journey through the desert.

25 Et occurrerunt eis Nabuthæi, et susceperunt eos pacifice, et narraverunt eis omnia quæ acciderant fratribus eorum in Galaaditide,

And the Nabutheans met them, and received them in a peaceable manner, and told them all that happened to their brethren in the land of Galaad,

26 et quia multi ex eis comprehensi sunt in Barasa, et Bosor, et in Alimis, et in Casphor, et Mageth, et Carnaim: hæ omnes civitates munitæ et magnæ.

And that many of them were shut up in Barasa, and in Bosor, and in Alima, and in Casphor, and in Mageth, and in Carnaim: all these strong and great cities.

27 Sed et in ceteris civitatibus Galaaditidis tenentur comprehensi, et in crastinum constituerunt admovere exercitum civitatibus his, et comprehendere, et tollere eos in una die.

Yea, and that they were kept shut up in the rest of the cities of Galaad, and that they had appointed to bring their army on the morrow near to these cities, and to take them and to destroy them all in one day.

28 Et convertit Judas et exercitus ejus viam in desertum Bosor repente, et occupavit civitatem: et occidit omnem masculum in ore gladii, et accepit omnia spolia eorum, et succendit eam igni.

Then Judas and his army suddenly turned their march into the desert, to Bosor, and took the city: and he slew every male by the edge of the sword, and took all their spoils, and burnt it with fire.

29 Et surrexerunt inde nocte, et ibant usque ad munitionem.

And they removed from thence by night, and went till they came to the fortress.

30 Et factum est diluculo, cum elevassent oculos suos, ecce populus multus, cujus non erat numerus, portantes scalas et machinas ut comprehenderent munitionem, et expugnarent eos.

And it came to pass that early in the morning, when they lifted up their eyes, behold there were people without number, carrying ladders and engines to take the fortress, and assault them.

31 Et vidit Judas quia cœpit bellum, et clamor belli ascendit ad cælum sicut tuba, et clamor magnus de civitate:

And Judas saw that the fight was begun, and the cry of the battle went up to heaven like a trumpet, and a great cry out of the city:

32 et dixit exercitui suo: Pugnate hodie pro fratribus vestris.

And he said to his host: Fight ye today for your brethren.

33 Et venit tribus ordinibus post eos, et exclamaverunt tubis, et clamaverunt in oratione.

And he came with three companies behind them, and they sounded their trumpets, and cried out in prayer.

34 Et cognoverunt castra Timothei quia Machabæus est, et refugerunt a facie ejus: et percusserunt eos plaga magna. Et ceciderunt ex eis in die illa fere octo millia virorum.

And the host of Timotheus understood that it was Machabeus, and they fled away before his face: and they made a great slaughter of them: and there fell of them in that day almost eight thousand men.

35 Et divertit Judas in Maspha, et expugnavit, et cepit eam: et occidit omnem masculum ejus, et sumpsit spolia ejus, et succendit eam igni.

And Judas turned aside to Maspha, and assaulted, and took it, and he slew every male thereof, and took the spoils thereof, and burnt it with fire.

36 Inde perrexit, et cepit Casbon, et Mageth, et Bosor, et reliquas civitates Galaaditidis.

From thence he marched, and took Casbon, and Mageth, and Bosor, and the rest of the cities of Galaad.

37 Post hæc autem verba congregavit Timotheus exercitum alium, et castra posuit contra Raphon trans torrentem.

But after this Timotheus gathered another army, and camped over against Raphon beyond the torrent.

38 Et misit Judas speculari exercitum: et renuntiaverunt ei, dicentes: Quia convenerunt ad eum omnes gentes quæ in circuitu nostro sunt, exercitus multus nimis:

And Judas sent men to view the army: and they brought him word, saying: All the nations, that are round about us, are assembled unto him an army exceeding great:

39 et Arabas conduxerunt in auxilium sibi, et castra posuerunt trans torrentem, parati ad te venire in prælium. Et abiit Judas obviam illis.

And they have hired the Arabians to help them, and they have pitched their tents beyond the torrent, ready to come to fight against thee. And Judas went to meet them.

40 Et ait Timotheus principibus exercitus sui: Cum appropinquaverit Judas, et exercitus ejus, ad torrentem aquæ: si transierit ad nos prior, non poterimus sustinere eum, quia potens poterit adversum nos;

And Timotheus said to the captains of his army: When Judas and his army come near the torrent of water, if he pass over unto us first, we shall not be able to withstand him: for he will certainly prevail over us.

41 si vero timuerit transire, et posuerit castra extra flumen, transfretamus ad eos, et poterimus adversus illum.

But if he be afraid to pass over, and camp on the other side of the river, we will pass over to them and shall prevail against him.

42 Ut autem appropinquavit Judas ad torrentem aquæ, statuit scribas populi secus torrentem, et mandavit eis, dicens: Neminem hominem reliqueritis, sed veniant omnes in prælium.

Now when Judas came near the torrent of water, he set the scribes of the people by the torrent, and commanded them, saying: Suffer no man to stay behind: but let all come to the battle.

43 Et transfretavit ad illos prior, et omnis populus post eum, et contritæ sunt omnes gentes a facie eorum, et projecerunt arma sua, et fugerunt ad fanum, quod erat in Carnaim.

And he passed over to them first, and all the people after him, and all the heathens were discomfited before them, and they threw away their weapons, and fled to the temple that was in Carnaim.

44 Et occupavit ipsam civitatem, et fanum succendit igni cum omnibus qui erant in ipso: et oppressa est Carnaim, et non potuit sustinere contra faciem Judæ.

And he took that city, and the temple he burnt with fire, with all things that were therein: and Carnaim was subdued, and could not stand against the face of Judas.

45 Et congregavit Judas universos Isrælitas, qui erant in Galaaditide, a minimo usque ad maximum, et uxores eorum, et natos, et exercitum magnum valde, ut venirent in terram Juda.

And Judas gathered together all the Israelites that were in the land of Galaad, from the least even to the greatest, and their wives, and children, and an army exceeding great, to come into the land of Juda.

46 Et venerunt usque Ephron: et hæc civitas magna in ingressu posita, munita valde, et non erat declinare ab ea dextera vel sinistra, sed per mediam iter erat.

And they came as far as Ephron: now this was a great city situate in the way, strongly fortified, and there was no means to turn from it on the right hand or on the left, but the way was through the midst of it.

47 Et incluserunt se qui erant in civitate, et obstruxerunt portas lapidibus: et misit ad eos Judas verbis pacificis,

And they that were in the city, shut themselves in, and stopped up the gates with stones: and Judas sent to them with peaceable words,

48 dicens: Transeamus per terram vestram, ut eamus in terram nostram: et nemo vobis nocebit, tantum pedibus transibimus. Et nolebant eis aperire.

Saying: Let us pass through your land, to go into our country: and no man shall hurt you: we will only pass through on foot. But they would not open to them.

49 Et præcepit Judas prædicare in castris, ut applicarent unusquisque in quo erat loco:

Then Judas commanded proclamation to be made in the camp, that they should make an assault every man in the place where he was.

50 et applicuerunt se viri virtutis, et oppugnavit civitatem illam tota die et tota nocte, et tradita est civitas in manu ejus:

And the men of the army drew near, and he assaulted that city all the day, and all the night, and the city was delivered into his hands:

51 et peremerunt omnem masculum in ore gladii, et eradicavit eam, et accepit spolia ejus: et transivit per totam civitatem super interfectos.

And they slew every male with the edge of the sword, and he razed the city, and took the spoils thereof, and passed through all the city over them that were slain.

52 Et transgressi sunt Jordanem in campo magno, contra faciem Bethsan.

Then they passed over the Jordan to the great plain that is over against Bethsan.

53 Et erat Judas congregans extremos, et exhortabatur populum per totam viam, donec venirent in terram Juda:

And Judas gathered together the hindmost, and he exhorted the people all the way through, till they came into the land of Juda.

54 et ascenderunt in montem Sion cum lætitia, et gaudio, et obtulerunt holocausta, quod nemo ex eis cecidisset donec reverterentur in pace.

And they went up to mount Sion with joy and gladness, and offered holocausts, because not one of them was slain, till they had returned in peace.

55 Et in diebus quibus erat Judas et Jonathas in terra Galaad, et Simon frater ejus in Galilæa contra faciem Ptolemaidis,

Now in the days that Judas and Jonathan were in the land of Galaad, and Simon his brother in Galilee before Ptolemais,

56 audivit Josephus Zachariæ filius, et Azarias princeps virtutis, res bene gestas, et prælia quæ facta sunt,

Joseph the son of Zacharias, and Azarias captain of the soldiers, heard of the good success, and the battles that were fought.

57 et dixit: Faciamus et ipsi nobis nomen, et eamus pugnare adversus gentes quæ in circuitu nostro sunt.

And he said: Let us also get us a name, and let us go fight against the Gentiles that are round about us.

58 Et præcepit his qui erant in exercitu suo, et abierunt Jamniam.

And he gave charge to them that were in his army, and they went towards Jamnia.

59 Et exivit Gorgias de civitate, et viri ejus obviam illis in pugnam.

And Gorgias and his men went out of the city, to give them battle.

60 Et fugati sunt Josephus et Azarias usque in fines Judææ: et ceciderunt illo die de populo Isræl ad duo millia viri, et facta est fuga magna in populo:

And Joseph and Azarias were put to flight, and were pursued unto the borders of Judea: and there fell, on that day, of the people of Israel about two thousand men, and there was a great overthrow of the people:

61 quia non audierunt Judam, et fratres ejus, existimantes fortiter se facturos.

Because they did not hearken to Judas, and his brethren, thinking that they should do manfully.

62 Ipsi autem non erant de semine virorum illorum, per quos salus facta est in Isræl.

But they were not of the seed of those men by whom salvation was brought to Israel.

63 Et viri Juda magnificati sunt valde in conspectu omnis Isræl, et gentium omnium ubi audiebatur nomen eorum.

And the men of Juda were magnified exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and of all the nations where their name was heard.

64 Et convenerunt ad eos fausta acclamantes.

And people assembled to them with joyful acclamations.

65 Et exivit Judas et fratres ejus, et expugnabant filios Esau in terra quæ ad austrum est, et percussit Chebron et filias ejus: et muros ejus, et turres succendit igni in circuitu.

Then Judas and his brethren went forth and attacked the children of Esau, in the land toward the south, and he took Chebron, and her towns: and he burnt the walls thereof and the towers all round it.

66 Et movit castra ut iret in terram alienigenarum, et perambulabat Samariam.

And he removed his camp to go into the land of the aliens, and he went through Samaria.

67 In die illa ceciderunt sacerdotes in bello, dum volunt fortiter facere, dum sine consilio exeunt in prælium.

In that day some priests fell in battle, while desiring to do manfully they went out unadvisedly to fight.

68 Et declinavit Judas in Azotum in terram alienigenarum, et diruit aras eorum, et sculptilia deorum ipsorum succendit igni: et cepit spolia civitatum, et reversus est in terram Juda.

And Judas turned to Azotus into the land of the strangers, and he threw down their altars, and he burnt the statues of their gods with fire: and he took the spoils of the cities, and returned into the land of Juda.