II Machabæus

II Machabæus - caput 102 Machabees - chapter 10

1 Machabæus autem, et qui cum eo erant, Domino se protegente, templum quidem, et civitatem recepit:

But Machabeus, and they that were with him, by the protection of the Lord, recovered the temple and the city again.

2 aras autem, quas alienigenæ per plateas exstruxerant, itemque delubra demolitus est:

But he threw down the altars, which the heathens had set up in the streets, as also the temples of the idols.

3 et purgato templo, aliud altare fecerunt, et de ignitis lapidibus igne concepto sacrificia obtulerunt post biennium, et incensum, et lucernas, et panes propositionis posuerunt.

And having purified the temple, they made another altar: and taking fire out of the fiery stones, they offered sacrifices after two years, and set forth incense, and lamps, and the loaves of proposition.

4 Quibus gestis, rogabant Dominum prostrati in terram, ne amplius talibus malis inciderent: sed et, siquando peccassent, ut ab ipso mitius corriperentur, et non barbaris ac blasphemis hominibus traderentur.

And when they had done these things, they besought the Lord, lying prostrate on the ground, that they might no more fall into such evils; but if they should at any time sin, that they might be chastised by him more gently, and not be delivered up to barbarians and blasphemous men.

5 Qua die autem templum ab alienigenis pollutum fuerat, contigit eadem die purificationem fieri, vigesima quinta mensis qui fuit Casleu.

Now upon the same day that the temple had been polluted by the strangers, on the very same day it was cleansed again, to wit, on the five and twentieth day of the month of Casleu.

6 Et cum lætitia diebus octo egerunt in modum tabernaculorum, recordantes quod ante modicum temporis diem solemnem tabernaculorum in montibus, et in speluncis more bestiarum egerant.

And they kept eight days with joy, after the manner of the feast of the tabernacles, remembering that not long before they had kept the feast of the tabernacles when they were in the mountains, and in dens like wild beasts.

7 Propter quod thyrsos, et ramos virides, et palmas præferebant ei, qui prosperavit mundari locum suum.

Therefore they now, carried boughs, and green branches, and palms for Him that had given them good success in cleansing his place.

8 Et decreverunt communi præcepto, et decreto universæ genti Judæorum omnibus annis agere dies istos.

And they ordained by a common statute, and decree, that all the nation of the Jews should keep those days every year.

9 Et Antiochi quidem, qui appellatus est Nobilis, vitæ excessus ita se habuit.

And this was the end of Antiochus that was called the Illustrious.

10 Nunc autem de Eupatore Antiochi impii filio, quæ gesta sunt narrabimus, breviantes mala, quæ in bellis gesta sunt.

But now we will relate the acts of Eupator the son of that wicked Antiochus, abridging the account of the evils that happened in the wars.

11 Hic enim suscepto regno, constituit super negotia regni Lysiam quemdam, Phœnicis et Syriæ militiæ principem.

For when he was come to the crown, he appointed over the affairs of his realm one Lysias, general of the army of Phenicia and Syria.

12 Nam Ptolemæus, qui dicebatur Macer, justi tenax, erga Judæos esse constituit, et præcipue propter iniquitatem, quæ facta erat in eos, et pacifice agere cum eis.

For Ptolemee that was called Macer, was determined to be strictly just to the Jews, and especially by reason of the wrong that had been done them, and to deal peaceably with them.

13 Sed ob hoc accusatus ab amicis apud Eupatorem, cum frequenter proditor audiret, eo quod Cyprum creditam sibi a Philometore deseruisset, et ad Antiochum Nobilem translatus etiam ab eo recessisset, veneno vitam finivit.

But being accused for this to Eupator by his friends, and being oftentimes called traitor, because he had left Cyprus which Philometor had committed to him, and coming over to Antiochus the Illustrious, had revolted also from him, he put an end to his life by poison.

14 Gorgias autem, cum esset dux locorum, assumptis advenis, frequenter Judæos debellabat.

But Gorgias, who was governor of the holds, taking with him the strangers, often fought against the Jews.

15 Judæi vero, qui tenebant opportunas munitiones, fugatos ab Jerosolymis suscipiebant, et bellare tentabant.

And the Jews that occupied the most commodious hold, received those that were driven out of Jerusalem, and attempted to make war.

16 Hi vero, qui erant cum Machabæo, per orationes Dominum rogantes ut esset sibi adjutor, impetum fecerunt in munitiones Idumæorum:

Then they that were with Machabeus, beseeching the Lord by prayers to be their helper, made a strong attack upon the strong holds of the Idumeans:

17 multaque vi insistentes, loca obtinuerunt, occurrentes interemerunt, et omnes simul non minus viginti millibus trucidaverunt.

And assaulting them with great force, won the holds, killed them that came in the way, and slew altogether no fewer than twenty thousand.

18 Quidam autem, cum confugissent in duas turres valde munitas omnem apparatum ad repugnandum habentes.

And whereas some were fled into very strong towers, having all manner of provision to sustain a siege,

19 Machabæus ad eorum expugnationem, relicto Simone, et Josepho, itemque Zachæo: eisque qui cum ipsis erant satis multis, ipse ad eas, quæ amplius perurgebant, pugnas conversus est.

Machabeus left Simon and Joseph, and Zacheus, and them that were with them in sufficient number to besiege them, and departed to those expeditions which urged more.

20 Hi vero, qui cum Simone erant, cupiditate ducti, a quibusdam, qui in turribus erant, suasi sunt pecunia: et septuaginta millibus didrachmis acceptis, dimiserunt quosdam effugere.

Now they that were with Simon, being led with covetousness, were persuaded for the sake of money by some that were in the towers: and taking seventy thousand didrachmas, let some of them escape.

21 Cum autem Machabæo nuntiatum esset quod factum est, principibus populi congregatis, accusavit, quod pecunia fratres vendidissent, adversariis eorum dimissis.

But when it was told Machabeus what was done, he assembled the rulers of the people, and accused those men that they had sold their brethren for money, having let their adversaries escape.

22 Hos igitur proditores factos interfecit, et confestim duas turres occupavit.

So he put these traitors to death, and forthwith took the two towers.

23 Armis autem ac manibus omnia prospere agendo in duabus munitionibus plus quam viginti millia peremit.

And having good success in arms and in all things he took in hand, he slew more than twenty thousand in the two holds.

24 At Timotheus, qui prius a Judæis fuerat superatus, convocato exercitu peregrinæ multitudinis, et congregato equitatu Asiano, advenit quasi armis Judæam capturus.

But Timotheus who before had been overcome by the Jews, having called together a multitude of foreign troops, and assembled horsemen out of Asia, came as though he would take Judea by force of arms.

25 Machabæus autem, et qui cum ipso erant, appropinquante illo, deprecabantur Dominum, caput terra aspergentes, lumbosque ciliciis præcincti,

But Machabeus and they that were with him, when he drew near, prayed to the Lord, sprinkling earth upon their heads and girding their loins with haircloth,

26 ad altaris crepidinem provoluti, ut sibi propitius, inimicis autem eorum esset inimicus, et adversariis adversaretur, sicut lex dicit.

And lying prostrate at the foot of the altar, besought him to be merciful to them, and to be an enemy to their enemies, and an adversary to their adversaries, as the law saith.

27 Et ita post orationem, sumptis armis, longius de civitate procedentes, et proximi hostibus effecti resederunt.

And so after prayer taking their arms, they went forth further from the city, and when they were come very near the enemies they rested.

28 Primo autem solis ortu utrique commiserunt: isti quidem victoriæ et prosperitatis sponsorem cum virtute Dominum habentes: illi autem ducem belli animum habebant.

But as soon as the sun was risen both sides joined battle: the one part having with their valour the Lord for a surety of victory and success: but the other side making their rage their leader in battle.

29 Sed cum vehemens pugna esset, apparuerunt adversariis de cælo viri quinque in equis, frenis aureis decori, ducatum Judæis præstantes:

But when they were in the heat of the engagement there appeared to the enemies from heaven five men upon horses, comely with golden bridles, conducting the Jews:

30 ex quibus duo Machabæum medium habentes, armis suis circumseptum incolumem conservabant: in adversarios autem tela et fulmina jaciebant, ex quo et cæcitate confusi, et repleti perturbatione, cadebant.

Two of whom took Machabeus between them, and covered him on every side with their arms, and kept him safe: but cast darts and fireballs against the enemy, so that they fell down, being both confounded with blindness, and filled with trouble.

31 Interfecti sunt autem viginti millia quingenti, et equites sexcenti.

And there were slain twenty thousand five hundred, and six hundred horsemen.

32 Timotheus vero confugit in Gazaram præsidium munitum, cui præerat Chæreas.

But Timotheus fled into Gazara a strong hold, where Chereas was governor.

33 Machabæus autem, et qui cum eo erant, lætantes obsederunt præsidium diebus quatuor.

Then Machabeus, and they that were with him, cheerfully laid siege to the fortress four days.

34 At hi qui intus erant, loci firmitate confisi, supra modum maledicebant, et sermones nefandos jactabant.

But they that were within, trusting to the strength of the place, blasphemed exceedingly, and cast forth abominable words.

35 Sed cum dies quinta illucesceret, viginti juvenes ex his qui cum Machabæo erant, accensi animis propter blasphemiam, viriliter accesserunt ad murum, et feroci animo incedentes ascendebant:

But when the fifth day appeared, twenty young men of them that were with Machabeus, inflamed in their minds because of the blasphemy, approached manfully to the wall, and pushing forward with fierce courage got up upon it.

36 sed et alii similiter ascendentes, turres portasque succendere aggressi sunt, atque ipsos maledicos vivos concremare.

Moreover others also getting up after them, went to set fire to the towers and the gates, and to burn the blasphemers alive.

37 Per continuum autem biduum præsidio vastato, Timotheum occultantem se in quodam repertum loco peremerunt: et fratrem illius Chæream et Apollophanem occiderunt.

And having for two days together pillaged and sacked the fortress, they killed Timotheus, who was found hid in a certain place: they slew also his brother Chereas, and Apollophanes.

38 Quibus gestis, in hymnis et confessionibus benedicebant Dominum, qui magna fecit in Isræl, et victoriam dedit illis.

And when this was done, they blessed the Lord with hymns and thanksgiving, who had done great things in Israel, and given them the victory.
II Machabæus - caput 10

1 Machabæus autem, et qui cum eo erant, Domino se protegente, templum quidem, et civitatem recepit:

But Machabeus, and they that were with him, by the protection of the Lord, recovered the temple and the city again.

2 aras autem, quas alienigenæ per plateas exstruxerant, itemque delubra demolitus est:

But he threw down the altars, which the heathens had set up in the streets, as also the temples of the idols.

3 et purgato templo, aliud altare fecerunt, et de ignitis lapidibus igne concepto sacrificia obtulerunt post biennium, et incensum, et lucernas, et panes propositionis posuerunt.

And having purified the temple, they made another altar: and taking fire out of the fiery stones, they offered sacrifices after two years, and set forth incense, and lamps, and the loaves of proposition.

4 Quibus gestis, rogabant Dominum prostrati in terram, ne amplius talibus malis inciderent: sed et, siquando peccassent, ut ab ipso mitius corriperentur, et non barbaris ac blasphemis hominibus traderentur.

And when they had done these things, they besought the Lord, lying prostrate on the ground, that they might no more fall into such evils; but if they should at any time sin, that they might be chastised by him more gently, and not be delivered up to barbarians and blasphemous men.

5 Qua die autem templum ab alienigenis pollutum fuerat, contigit eadem die purificationem fieri, vigesima quinta mensis qui fuit Casleu.

Now upon the same day that the temple had been polluted by the strangers, on the very same day it was cleansed again, to wit, on the five and twentieth day of the month of Casleu.

6 Et cum lætitia diebus octo egerunt in modum tabernaculorum, recordantes quod ante modicum temporis diem solemnem tabernaculorum in montibus, et in speluncis more bestiarum egerant.

And they kept eight days with joy, after the manner of the feast of the tabernacles, remembering that not long before they had kept the feast of the tabernacles when they were in the mountains, and in dens like wild beasts.

7 Propter quod thyrsos, et ramos virides, et palmas præferebant ei, qui prosperavit mundari locum suum.

Therefore they now, carried boughs, and green branches, and palms for Him that had given them good success in cleansing his place.

8 Et decreverunt communi præcepto, et decreto universæ genti Judæorum omnibus annis agere dies istos.

And they ordained by a common statute, and decree, that all the nation of the Jews should keep those days every year.

9 Et Antiochi quidem, qui appellatus est Nobilis, vitæ excessus ita se habuit.

And this was the end of Antiochus that was called the Illustrious.

10 Nunc autem de Eupatore Antiochi impii filio, quæ gesta sunt narrabimus, breviantes mala, quæ in bellis gesta sunt.

But now we will relate the acts of Eupator the son of that wicked Antiochus, abridging the account of the evils that happened in the wars.

11 Hic enim suscepto regno, constituit super negotia regni Lysiam quemdam, Phœnicis et Syriæ militiæ principem.

For when he was come to the crown, he appointed over the affairs of his realm one Lysias, general of the army of Phenicia and Syria.

12 Nam Ptolemæus, qui dicebatur Macer, justi tenax, erga Judæos esse constituit, et præcipue propter iniquitatem, quæ facta erat in eos, et pacifice agere cum eis.

For Ptolemee that was called Macer, was determined to be strictly just to the Jews, and especially by reason of the wrong that had been done them, and to deal peaceably with them.

13 Sed ob hoc accusatus ab amicis apud Eupatorem, cum frequenter proditor audiret, eo quod Cyprum creditam sibi a Philometore deseruisset, et ad Antiochum Nobilem translatus etiam ab eo recessisset, veneno vitam finivit.

But being accused for this to Eupator by his friends, and being oftentimes called traitor, because he had left Cyprus which Philometor had committed to him, and coming over to Antiochus the Illustrious, had revolted also from him, he put an end to his life by poison.

14 Gorgias autem, cum esset dux locorum, assumptis advenis, frequenter Judæos debellabat.

But Gorgias, who was governor of the holds, taking with him the strangers, often fought against the Jews.

15 Judæi vero, qui tenebant opportunas munitiones, fugatos ab Jerosolymis suscipiebant, et bellare tentabant.

And the Jews that occupied the most commodious hold, received those that were driven out of Jerusalem, and attempted to make war.

16 Hi vero, qui erant cum Machabæo, per orationes Dominum rogantes ut esset sibi adjutor, impetum fecerunt in munitiones Idumæorum:

Then they that were with Machabeus, beseeching the Lord by prayers to be their helper, made a strong attack upon the strong holds of the Idumeans:

17 multaque vi insistentes, loca obtinuerunt, occurrentes interemerunt, et omnes simul non minus viginti millibus trucidaverunt.

And assaulting them with great force, won the holds, killed them that came in the way, and slew altogether no fewer than twenty thousand.

18 Quidam autem, cum confugissent in duas turres valde munitas omnem apparatum ad repugnandum habentes.

And whereas some were fled into very strong towers, having all manner of provision to sustain a siege,

19 Machabæus ad eorum expugnationem, relicto Simone, et Josepho, itemque Zachæo: eisque qui cum ipsis erant satis multis, ipse ad eas, quæ amplius perurgebant, pugnas conversus est.

Machabeus left Simon and Joseph, and Zacheus, and them that were with them in sufficient number to besiege them, and departed to those expeditions which urged more.

20 Hi vero, qui cum Simone erant, cupiditate ducti, a quibusdam, qui in turribus erant, suasi sunt pecunia: et septuaginta millibus didrachmis acceptis, dimiserunt quosdam effugere.

Now they that were with Simon, being led with covetousness, were persuaded for the sake of money by some that were in the towers: and taking seventy thousand didrachmas, let some of them escape.

21 Cum autem Machabæo nuntiatum esset quod factum est, principibus populi congregatis, accusavit, quod pecunia fratres vendidissent, adversariis eorum dimissis.

But when it was told Machabeus what was done, he assembled the rulers of the people, and accused those men that they had sold their brethren for money, having let their adversaries escape.

22 Hos igitur proditores factos interfecit, et confestim duas turres occupavit.

So he put these traitors to death, and forthwith took the two towers.

23 Armis autem ac manibus omnia prospere agendo in duabus munitionibus plus quam viginti millia peremit.

And having good success in arms and in all things he took in hand, he slew more than twenty thousand in the two holds.

24 At Timotheus, qui prius a Judæis fuerat superatus, convocato exercitu peregrinæ multitudinis, et congregato equitatu Asiano, advenit quasi armis Judæam capturus.

But Timotheus who before had been overcome by the Jews, having called together a multitude of foreign troops, and assembled horsemen out of Asia, came as though he would take Judea by force of arms.

25 Machabæus autem, et qui cum ipso erant, appropinquante illo, deprecabantur Dominum, caput terra aspergentes, lumbosque ciliciis præcincti,

But Machabeus and they that were with him, when he drew near, prayed to the Lord, sprinkling earth upon their heads and girding their loins with haircloth,

26 ad altaris crepidinem provoluti, ut sibi propitius, inimicis autem eorum esset inimicus, et adversariis adversaretur, sicut lex dicit.

And lying prostrate at the foot of the altar, besought him to be merciful to them, and to be an enemy to their enemies, and an adversary to their adversaries, as the law saith.

27 Et ita post orationem, sumptis armis, longius de civitate procedentes, et proximi hostibus effecti resederunt.

And so after prayer taking their arms, they went forth further from the city, and when they were come very near the enemies they rested.

28 Primo autem solis ortu utrique commiserunt: isti quidem victoriæ et prosperitatis sponsorem cum virtute Dominum habentes: illi autem ducem belli animum habebant.

But as soon as the sun was risen both sides joined battle: the one part having with their valour the Lord for a surety of victory and success: but the other side making their rage their leader in battle.

29 Sed cum vehemens pugna esset, apparuerunt adversariis de cælo viri quinque in equis, frenis aureis decori, ducatum Judæis præstantes:

But when they were in the heat of the engagement there appeared to the enemies from heaven five men upon horses, comely with golden bridles, conducting the Jews:

30 ex quibus duo Machabæum medium habentes, armis suis circumseptum incolumem conservabant: in adversarios autem tela et fulmina jaciebant, ex quo et cæcitate confusi, et repleti perturbatione, cadebant.

Two of whom took Machabeus between them, and covered him on every side with their arms, and kept him safe: but cast darts and fireballs against the enemy, so that they fell down, being both confounded with blindness, and filled with trouble.

31 Interfecti sunt autem viginti millia quingenti, et equites sexcenti.

And there were slain twenty thousand five hundred, and six hundred horsemen.

32 Timotheus vero confugit in Gazaram præsidium munitum, cui præerat Chæreas.

But Timotheus fled into Gazara a strong hold, where Chereas was governor.

33 Machabæus autem, et qui cum eo erant, lætantes obsederunt præsidium diebus quatuor.

Then Machabeus, and they that were with him, cheerfully laid siege to the fortress four days.

34 At hi qui intus erant, loci firmitate confisi, supra modum maledicebant, et sermones nefandos jactabant.

But they that were within, trusting to the strength of the place, blasphemed exceedingly, and cast forth abominable words.

35 Sed cum dies quinta illucesceret, viginti juvenes ex his qui cum Machabæo erant, accensi animis propter blasphemiam, viriliter accesserunt ad murum, et feroci animo incedentes ascendebant:

But when the fifth day appeared, twenty young men of them that were with Machabeus, inflamed in their minds because of the blasphemy, approached manfully to the wall, and pushing forward with fierce courage got up upon it.

36 sed et alii similiter ascendentes, turres portasque succendere aggressi sunt, atque ipsos maledicos vivos concremare.

Moreover others also getting up after them, went to set fire to the towers and the gates, and to burn the blasphemers alive.

37 Per continuum autem biduum præsidio vastato, Timotheum occultantem se in quodam repertum loco peremerunt: et fratrem illius Chæream et Apollophanem occiderunt.

And having for two days together pillaged and sacked the fortress, they killed Timotheus, who was found hid in a certain place: they slew also his brother Chereas, and Apollophanes.

38 Quibus gestis, in hymnis et confessionibus benedicebant Dominum, qui magna fecit in Isræl, et victoriam dedit illis.

And when this was done, they blessed the Lord with hymns and thanksgiving, who had done great things in Israel, and given them the victory.
II Machabæus - caput 10

1 Machabæus autem, et qui cum eo erant, Domino se protegente, templum quidem, et civitatem recepit:

But Machabeus, and they that were with him, by the protection of the Lord, recovered the temple and the city again.

2 aras autem, quas alienigenæ per plateas exstruxerant, itemque delubra demolitus est:

But he threw down the altars, which the heathens had set up in the streets, as also the temples of the idols.

3 et purgato templo, aliud altare fecerunt, et de ignitis lapidibus igne concepto sacrificia obtulerunt post biennium, et incensum, et lucernas, et panes propositionis posuerunt.

And having purified the temple, they made another altar: and taking fire out of the fiery stones, they offered sacrifices after two years, and set forth incense, and lamps, and the loaves of proposition.

4 Quibus gestis, rogabant Dominum prostrati in terram, ne amplius talibus malis inciderent: sed et, siquando peccassent, ut ab ipso mitius corriperentur, et non barbaris ac blasphemis hominibus traderentur.

And when they had done these things, they besought the Lord, lying prostrate on the ground, that they might no more fall into such evils; but if they should at any time sin, that they might be chastised by him more gently, and not be delivered up to barbarians and blasphemous men.

5 Qua die autem templum ab alienigenis pollutum fuerat, contigit eadem die purificationem fieri, vigesima quinta mensis qui fuit Casleu.

Now upon the same day that the temple had been polluted by the strangers, on the very same day it was cleansed again, to wit, on the five and twentieth day of the month of Casleu.

6 Et cum lætitia diebus octo egerunt in modum tabernaculorum, recordantes quod ante modicum temporis diem solemnem tabernaculorum in montibus, et in speluncis more bestiarum egerant.

And they kept eight days with joy, after the manner of the feast of the tabernacles, remembering that not long before they had kept the feast of the tabernacles when they were in the mountains, and in dens like wild beasts.

7 Propter quod thyrsos, et ramos virides, et palmas præferebant ei, qui prosperavit mundari locum suum.

Therefore they now, carried boughs, and green branches, and palms for Him that had given them good success in cleansing his place.

8 Et decreverunt communi præcepto, et decreto universæ genti Judæorum omnibus annis agere dies istos.

And they ordained by a common statute, and decree, that all the nation of the Jews should keep those days every year.

9 Et Antiochi quidem, qui appellatus est Nobilis, vitæ excessus ita se habuit.

And this was the end of Antiochus that was called the Illustrious.

10 Nunc autem de Eupatore Antiochi impii filio, quæ gesta sunt narrabimus, breviantes mala, quæ in bellis gesta sunt.

But now we will relate the acts of Eupator the son of that wicked Antiochus, abridging the account of the evils that happened in the wars.

11 Hic enim suscepto regno, constituit super negotia regni Lysiam quemdam, Phœnicis et Syriæ militiæ principem.

For when he was come to the crown, he appointed over the affairs of his realm one Lysias, general of the army of Phenicia and Syria.

12 Nam Ptolemæus, qui dicebatur Macer, justi tenax, erga Judæos esse constituit, et præcipue propter iniquitatem, quæ facta erat in eos, et pacifice agere cum eis.

For Ptolemee that was called Macer, was determined to be strictly just to the Jews, and especially by reason of the wrong that had been done them, and to deal peaceably with them.

13 Sed ob hoc accusatus ab amicis apud Eupatorem, cum frequenter proditor audiret, eo quod Cyprum creditam sibi a Philometore deseruisset, et ad Antiochum Nobilem translatus etiam ab eo recessisset, veneno vitam finivit.

But being accused for this to Eupator by his friends, and being oftentimes called traitor, because he had left Cyprus which Philometor had committed to him, and coming over to Antiochus the Illustrious, had revolted also from him, he put an end to his life by poison.

14 Gorgias autem, cum esset dux locorum, assumptis advenis, frequenter Judæos debellabat.

But Gorgias, who was governor of the holds, taking with him the strangers, often fought against the Jews.

15 Judæi vero, qui tenebant opportunas munitiones, fugatos ab Jerosolymis suscipiebant, et bellare tentabant.

And the Jews that occupied the most commodious hold, received those that were driven out of Jerusalem, and attempted to make war.

16 Hi vero, qui erant cum Machabæo, per orationes Dominum rogantes ut esset sibi adjutor, impetum fecerunt in munitiones Idumæorum:

Then they that were with Machabeus, beseeching the Lord by prayers to be their helper, made a strong attack upon the strong holds of the Idumeans:

17 multaque vi insistentes, loca obtinuerunt, occurrentes interemerunt, et omnes simul non minus viginti millibus trucidaverunt.

And assaulting them with great force, won the holds, killed them that came in the way, and slew altogether no fewer than twenty thousand.

18 Quidam autem, cum confugissent in duas turres valde munitas omnem apparatum ad repugnandum habentes.

And whereas some were fled into very strong towers, having all manner of provision to sustain a siege,

19 Machabæus ad eorum expugnationem, relicto Simone, et Josepho, itemque Zachæo: eisque qui cum ipsis erant satis multis, ipse ad eas, quæ amplius perurgebant, pugnas conversus est.

Machabeus left Simon and Joseph, and Zacheus, and them that were with them in sufficient number to besiege them, and departed to those expeditions which urged more.

20 Hi vero, qui cum Simone erant, cupiditate ducti, a quibusdam, qui in turribus erant, suasi sunt pecunia: et septuaginta millibus didrachmis acceptis, dimiserunt quosdam effugere.

Now they that were with Simon, being led with covetousness, were persuaded for the sake of money by some that were in the towers: and taking seventy thousand didrachmas, let some of them escape.

21 Cum autem Machabæo nuntiatum esset quod factum est, principibus populi congregatis, accusavit, quod pecunia fratres vendidissent, adversariis eorum dimissis.

But when it was told Machabeus what was done, he assembled the rulers of the people, and accused those men that they had sold their brethren for money, having let their adversaries escape.

22 Hos igitur proditores factos interfecit, et confestim duas turres occupavit.

So he put these traitors to death, and forthwith took the two towers.

23 Armis autem ac manibus omnia prospere agendo in duabus munitionibus plus quam viginti millia peremit.

And having good success in arms and in all things he took in hand, he slew more than twenty thousand in the two holds.

24 At Timotheus, qui prius a Judæis fuerat superatus, convocato exercitu peregrinæ multitudinis, et congregato equitatu Asiano, advenit quasi armis Judæam capturus.

But Timotheus who before had been overcome by the Jews, having called together a multitude of foreign troops, and assembled horsemen out of Asia, came as though he would take Judea by force of arms.

25 Machabæus autem, et qui cum ipso erant, appropinquante illo, deprecabantur Dominum, caput terra aspergentes, lumbosque ciliciis præcincti,

But Machabeus and they that were with him, when he drew near, prayed to the Lord, sprinkling earth upon their heads and girding their loins with haircloth,

26 ad altaris crepidinem provoluti, ut sibi propitius, inimicis autem eorum esset inimicus, et adversariis adversaretur, sicut lex dicit.

And lying prostrate at the foot of the altar, besought him to be merciful to them, and to be an enemy to their enemies, and an adversary to their adversaries, as the law saith.

27 Et ita post orationem, sumptis armis, longius de civitate procedentes, et proximi hostibus effecti resederunt.

And so after prayer taking their arms, they went forth further from the city, and when they were come very near the enemies they rested.

28 Primo autem solis ortu utrique commiserunt: isti quidem victoriæ et prosperitatis sponsorem cum virtute Dominum habentes: illi autem ducem belli animum habebant.

But as soon as the sun was risen both sides joined battle: the one part having with their valour the Lord for a surety of victory and success: but the other side making their rage their leader in battle.

29 Sed cum vehemens pugna esset, apparuerunt adversariis de cælo viri quinque in equis, frenis aureis decori, ducatum Judæis præstantes:

But when they were in the heat of the engagement there appeared to the enemies from heaven five men upon horses, comely with golden bridles, conducting the Jews:

30 ex quibus duo Machabæum medium habentes, armis suis circumseptum incolumem conservabant: in adversarios autem tela et fulmina jaciebant, ex quo et cæcitate confusi, et repleti perturbatione, cadebant.

Two of whom took Machabeus between them, and covered him on every side with their arms, and kept him safe: but cast darts and fireballs against the enemy, so that they fell down, being both confounded with blindness, and filled with trouble.

31 Interfecti sunt autem viginti millia quingenti, et equites sexcenti.

And there were slain twenty thousand five hundred, and six hundred horsemen.

32 Timotheus vero confugit in Gazaram præsidium munitum, cui præerat Chæreas.

But Timotheus fled into Gazara a strong hold, where Chereas was governor.

33 Machabæus autem, et qui cum eo erant, lætantes obsederunt præsidium diebus quatuor.

Then Machabeus, and they that were with him, cheerfully laid siege to the fortress four days.

34 At hi qui intus erant, loci firmitate confisi, supra modum maledicebant, et sermones nefandos jactabant.

But they that were within, trusting to the strength of the place, blasphemed exceedingly, and cast forth abominable words.

35 Sed cum dies quinta illucesceret, viginti juvenes ex his qui cum Machabæo erant, accensi animis propter blasphemiam, viriliter accesserunt ad murum, et feroci animo incedentes ascendebant:

But when the fifth day appeared, twenty young men of them that were with Machabeus, inflamed in their minds because of the blasphemy, approached manfully to the wall, and pushing forward with fierce courage got up upon it.

36 sed et alii similiter ascendentes, turres portasque succendere aggressi sunt, atque ipsos maledicos vivos concremare.

Moreover others also getting up after them, went to set fire to the towers and the gates, and to burn the blasphemers alive.

37 Per continuum autem biduum præsidio vastato, Timotheum occultantem se in quodam repertum loco peremerunt: et fratrem illius Chæream et Apollophanem occiderunt.

And having for two days together pillaged and sacked the fortress, they killed Timotheus, who was found hid in a certain place: they slew also his brother Chereas, and Apollophanes.

38 Quibus gestis, in hymnis et confessionibus benedicebant Dominum, qui magna fecit in Isræl, et victoriam dedit illis.

And when this was done, they blessed the Lord with hymns and thanksgiving, who had done great things in Israel, and given them the victory.