
Psalmus - caput 147Psalm - chapter 147

1 Alleluja. Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum; lauda Deum tuum, Sion.

Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem: praise thy God, O Sion.

2 Quoniam confortavit seras portarum tuarum, benedixit filiis tuis in te.

Because he hath strengthened the bolts of thy gates, he hath blessed thy children within thee.

3 Qui posuit fines tuos pacem, et adipe frumenti satiat te.

Who hath placed peace in thy borders: and filleth thee with the fat of corn.

4 Qui emittit eloquium suum terræ, velociter currit sermo ejus.

Who sendeth forth his speech to the earth: his word runneth swiftly.

5 Qui dat nivem sicut lanam, nebulam sicut cinerem spargit.

Who giveth snow like wool: scattereth mists like ashes.

6 Mittit crystallum suum sicut buccellas: ante faciem frigoris ejus quis sustinebit?

He sendeth his crystal like morsels: who shall stand before the face of his cold?

7 Emittet verbum suum, et liquefaciet ea; flabit spiritus ejus, et fluent aquæ.

He shall send out his word, and shall melt them: his wind shall blow, and the waters shall run.

8 Qui annuntiat verbum suum Jacob, justitias et judicia sua Isræl.

Who declareth his word to Jacob: his justices and his judgments to Israel.

9 Non fecit taliter omni nationi, et judicia sua non manifestavit eis. Alleluja.

He hath not done in like manner to every nation: and his judgments he hath not made manifest to them. Alleluia.
Psalmus - caput 147

1 Alleluja. Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum; lauda Deum tuum, Sion.

Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem: praise thy God, O Sion.

2 Quoniam confortavit seras portarum tuarum, benedixit filiis tuis in te.

Because he hath strengthened the bolts of thy gates, he hath blessed thy children within thee.

3 Qui posuit fines tuos pacem, et adipe frumenti satiat te.

Who hath placed peace in thy borders: and filleth thee with the fat of corn.

4 Qui emittit eloquium suum terræ, velociter currit sermo ejus.

Who sendeth forth his speech to the earth: his word runneth swiftly.

5 Qui dat nivem sicut lanam, nebulam sicut cinerem spargit.

Who giveth snow like wool: scattereth mists like ashes.

6 Mittit crystallum suum sicut buccellas: ante faciem frigoris ejus quis sustinebit?

He sendeth his crystal like morsels: who shall stand before the face of his cold?

7 Emittet verbum suum, et liquefaciet ea; flabit spiritus ejus, et fluent aquæ.

He shall send out his word, and shall melt them: his wind shall blow, and the waters shall run.

8 Qui annuntiat verbum suum Jacob, justitias et judicia sua Isræl.

Who declareth his word to Jacob: his justices and his judgments to Israel.

9 Non fecit taliter omni nationi, et judicia sua non manifestavit eis. Alleluja.

He hath not done in like manner to every nation: and his judgments he hath not made manifest to them. Alleluia.
Psalmus - caput 147

1 Alleluja. Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum; lauda Deum tuum, Sion.

Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem: praise thy God, O Sion.

2 Quoniam confortavit seras portarum tuarum, benedixit filiis tuis in te.

Because he hath strengthened the bolts of thy gates, he hath blessed thy children within thee.

3 Qui posuit fines tuos pacem, et adipe frumenti satiat te.

Who hath placed peace in thy borders: and filleth thee with the fat of corn.

4 Qui emittit eloquium suum terræ, velociter currit sermo ejus.

Who sendeth forth his speech to the earth: his word runneth swiftly.

5 Qui dat nivem sicut lanam, nebulam sicut cinerem spargit.

Who giveth snow like wool: scattereth mists like ashes.

6 Mittit crystallum suum sicut buccellas: ante faciem frigoris ejus quis sustinebit?

He sendeth his crystal like morsels: who shall stand before the face of his cold?

7 Emittet verbum suum, et liquefaciet ea; flabit spiritus ejus, et fluent aquæ.

He shall send out his word, and shall melt them: his wind shall blow, and the waters shall run.

8 Qui annuntiat verbum suum Jacob, justitias et judicia sua Isræl.

Who declareth his word to Jacob: his justices and his judgments to Israel.

9 Non fecit taliter omni nationi, et judicia sua non manifestavit eis. Alleluja.

He hath not done in like manner to every nation: and his judgments he hath not made manifest to them. Alleluia.